CHAP. 107.
their absence or dissent, to the governor of the state,, and to the
stockholders at a general meeting, which they shall have power
to call for that pttrpose.
Bank to pay tax
to treasurer W. S
14. And be it enacted, That the bank shall continue to pay
to the treasurer of the western shore, on the first day of Janua-
ry annually, twenty cents on every hundred dollars of the capi-
tal stock thereof actually paid in.
Discount notes
how to be drawn
15. And be it enacted. That all notes discounted by the
Bank of Westminster or Office of Pay and Receipt, whether
drawn payable to A B, or order, or to the order of the Bank of
Westminster, shall be recoverable in any court of law or equity .
in this state, and all the acts of the Bank of Westminster, and of
the Office of Pay and Receipt, not inconsistent with their char-
ters, and the supplements thereto, are hereby confirmed and
made valid to all intents and purposes.
16. And be it enacted. That this act shall continue in force
for the time for which the Bank of Westminster was chartered,
and until the end of the next session of the general assembly
which shall happen thereafter.
Liabilities of origi-
nal set to remain
to force
17. And be it enacted, That nothing herein contained, shall
operate to release nor to impair the liabilities of the original act
or acts herein referred to, but the same shall continue and re-
main in full force and operation, to the same extent as if this act
had not passed.
Passed Feb 28 1927
Commissioners to
lay out "route of
a ditch
An Act for Braining certain Lands in Caroline County.
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Nathan Whitby, George Reed, John Boon, Andrew Baggs
and Parrott Roe, be and are hereby constituted and appointed
commissioners, to locate and lay out the route of a ditch in Ca-
roline county, of such dimensions, and in such direction, as
they, or a majority of them, or their successors, in their judg^
ment may think best to effect the object in view, and before the
said commissioners shall proceed to locate and lay out the route
of said ditch, they shall notify all persons who they may consi-
der immediately concerned, of the time and place of their meet-
To apportion to
persons benefitted
such part of ditch
which »hall be cut
by them
2. And be it enacted, That When the said location is so
made, the said commissioners shall apportion to each one of the
persons most to be benefited thereby, such portion of said ditch
as they may think he, she or they, should cut, in proportion to
the benefit which he, she or they, may thereby derive, which
said portion or portions shall be cut by such person or persons
within a given time to be limited by the said commissioners; and
in ease any pcison or persons shall neglect or refuse to cut said
proportion within the given time, he, she or they, shall be fined
for every neglect or refusal, a sum not exceeding forty-five dol-
lars, to be recovered as small debts now are recovered, in the
name of the said commissioners, and when so collected, to be
applied to the payment of the contingent expenses of carrying
this act into effect; Provided always, that the said commission-
ers may excuse the said party or parties from said fine.