CHAP, 106.
or owners reside, at least three weeks before the day of sale
and at three public places in said county, notifying the time,
place and hour, when said property will be sold under the pro-
visions of this act,
Money received
under this act, to
be applied to im-
proving streets,
11. And be it enacted, That said commissioners shall apply
all the money they receive by virtue of this act to defray the ex-
penses of regulating and improving the streets, lanes and alleys,
and settling pumps and wells, in the said village of Denton, in
such manner and way as shall appear to them most expedient for
the promotion and welfare of the inhabitants thereof.
Vacancies how to
be supplied
12. And be it enacted. That if one or more of said commis-
sioners shall die, remove, resign, or refuse to act as such, then and
in such case it shall he the duty of the other commissioners to
give public notice to the free white male inhabitants of said vil-
lage above the age of twenty-one years, and having resided in
the nate of Maryland one year, and in the village of Denton six
months next preceding such notice, to meet at the court-house
in said village on a day to be by them appointed in such notice, to
elect, by ballot, one or more person or persons as the case may
require, residents of said village, above the age of twenty-one
years, and paying an asscssment in said village for the improve-
ment of the same, to fill such vacancy or vacancies, as the case
maybe, so as aforesaid made; and the person or persons, as the
case may be, who shall appear to have the greatest majority of
the yotes, shall be declared duly elected to fill such vacancy or
vacancies as the case may require; and all vacancies hereafter in
anywise made among the said commissioners of the village of
Denton, shall be filled in the same manner as above directed.
General issue may
be pleaded
13. And be it enacted, That if any suit or action shall be
commenced against any person or persons for any thing done be
pursuance of this act, such person or perrons may plead the ge-
neral issue, and give this act in evidence, any law, usage or cust-
tom, to the contrary notwithstanding.
14. And be it enacted, That all and every part of any act of
Assembly, heretofore passed for the improvement and regulation
of the village of Denton, as is contrary to, or inconsistent with,
the provisions of this act, be and the same are hereby repealed.
Passed Feb., 24 1827
An Act to change the name s of the Bank of Westminster, and Office of
Pay and Receipt, to the Farmers and Mechanics Bank of Frederick Coun-
ty, and to locate said Bank at Frederick City, with a branch at Westmin-
WHEREAS it has been represented to this legislature, by the
petition of sundry stockholders of the bank of Westminster,
that the interests of said institution would be promoted by the
change of the names of the Bank of Westminster, and Office of
Pay and Receipt, and also by changing the location of the mo-
ther bank from the town of Westminster to the city of Frede-
Name of bank
rick; Therefore,
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the names of the Bank of Westminster, and Office of Pay
and Receipt, be changed to that of Farmers and Mechanics
Bank of Frederick County, to be located at the city of Frede-
rick, with a branch bank at Westminster, with the same capital.