CHAP. 103.
of jurymen at Harford county court during the years eighteen
hundred and twenty-seven and eighteen hundred and twenty-
Levy to be made
2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the said
levy court to levy as aforesaid, in the year eighteen hundred
and twenty eight, and annually thereafter, such sum of money
as they may deem sufficient to pay the expenses which may be
annually incurred by the attendance of jurymen at Harford
county court
To be collected as
ether county char-
3. And be it enacted, That the sum or sums of money di-
rected to be levied by this act, shall be collected by the collec-
tors of Harford county as other county charges are now col-
lected, and shall be accounted for by them as herein after di-
Collectors to pay
4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the col-?
lectors of the different election districts, to pay to the jurymen
of said districts, immediately after the termination of each and
every court, such sum of money as they may severally be en-
titled to receive for their attendance at said court as jurors.
Certificates of ju-
ris men's attend-
5. And be it enacted, That a certificate, signed by the clerk
of the county court, expressing the number of days which any
juryman may have attended said court, and the sum due to him
for such attendance, including the mileage now allowed by law,
shall be a sufficient authority to the said collectors to pay the
amount so specified in the said certificate.
Collectors to settle
With levy court
6. And be it enacted, That the said collectors shall annually
settle their accounts with the said levy court for the monies
which they may have collected under the provisions of this
act, and pay over to the said levy court any surplus remaining
in their hands, which surplus, if any, shall be applied to county
Passed Feb. 26, 1827
An Act to authorise the election of Gates on the Public Road therein men-
tioned in Dorchester County.
WHEREAS it is represented to this General Assembly, by the
petition of sundry inhabitants of Dorchester county, that much
inconvenience, as well as serious injury, is sustained by reason
of their stock passing from the extensive marshes in Meekin's
Neck, in said county, by way of the county road, into the fo-
rest near Black Water River, where the stock is frequently lost
entirely, to the great prejudice of the owners in that part ol the
county where your petitioners reside, and for want of some le-
gal authority to keep a gate or two on said county road; your
petitioners pray legislative aid to remedy the serious inconve-
nience under which they labour; Therefore,
Gates may be e-
redted on road
leading through
Meekin's Neek
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, it shall and may be
lawful for any citizen or citizens of Dorchester county to erect
and keep, on the public road leading through Meekin's Neck to
the head of Hungar River, two gates, one at Poplar Neek near
John Tubman's store house, and the other at a place called the
Great Marsh Bridge, for the use and purposes before herein re-
cited, upon the express conditions following: All and every own-