by the city collector, who shall be allowed therefor such com-
mission as the commissioners aforesaid shall judge reasonable,
and shall be paid over by him to the mayor and city council of
Baltimore, and by them to the persons entitled to receive the
same; the said collector shall give twenty days notice of the
time for payment of the sums so assessed in two of the news-
papers printed in the city of Baltimore, which time shall be in
thirty days after the return of the said commissioners shall be
filed as aforesaid; and should any of the sums assessed as afore-
said, not be paid within that time, the collector shall be and he
is hereby authorised, to sell the property, or any part thereof,
on which such assessment has been laid, giving not less than
thirty days notice of such intended sale, in two of the said
newspapers; and the collector, on receiving the purchase money
on such sales, shall execute a deed of conveyance therefor in
favour of the purchaser or purchasers, which deed shall convey
all the estate and interest of the person or persons assessed, and
neglecting to pay, as aforesaid, in or to such property; and after
deducting the costs of sale, advertising, and the other necessary
costs, the collector shall pay over the balance of such purchase
money to the said mayor and city council, who shall pay over
the said balance, after deducting the amount assessed on said
property, to the person or persons entitled thereto, on demand,
without interest.
CHAP. 91.
6. And be it enacted, That the said street shall not be open-
ed over the ground of any person or persons entitled to damages
as aforesaid, until the consent, in writing, of such person or
persons be obtained, or until the sum assessed as damages to
such person or persons be paid, or tendered in payment
Not to be open-
ed on ground of
person entitled top
damages, without
his consent
7. And be it enacted, That each of the said commissioners
shall, on or before the expiration of one month after the approv-
al of this act by the mayor and city council of Baltimore, as
herein after provided for, take the following oath, (or affirma-
tion,) before some justice of the peace: I, A B, do solemnly
swear, (or affirm,) that I will forthwith, and to the best of my
ability, execute the duties assigned to me by the act, entitled,
An act for the opening of Monument-street in the city of Bal-
timore, without favour or partiality; and if any of the said com-
missioners do not, on or before the expiration of one month af-
ter such approval by the mayor and city council aforesaid, take
saith oath, (or affirmation,) he or they shall be considered as
having resigned; and it shall be the duty, in such case, of such
of the said commissioners hereinbefore mentioned, as may quali-
fy, forthwith to appoint one or more persons to supply such va-
cancy or vacancies in the said board.
Oath of commis-
8. And be it enacted, That the city collector, before enter-
ing upon the duties required of him by this act, shall give bond
to the corporation of the city of Baltimore, with sureties to be
approved by the mayor and the president of the two branches
of the city council, or any two of them, the mayor being one,
in the penal sum of twice the amount assessed for the expenses
of opening said street agreeably to the return of the said com-
missioners, conditioned for the true and faithful performance of
the tryst so reposed in him, and the duties so required of him.
City collecetors to