with each and every of the conditions of the original act, except
so far as the some a re-expressly altered by the provisions of this act
4. And be it enacted, That this act shall commence and be
in force as soon as it shall have received the assent of the legis-
lature of Virginia, of the congress of the United States, and of
the Potomac Company.
CHAP. 78.
When to be in
An Act to authorise the sale of a part of the Real Estate of James W. L.
Weems, late of Prince-George 's County, deceased.
Passed Feb 6, 1827
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Walter Bowie, and Amelia M. Bowie his wife, and .Ro-
bert Bowie, and Margaret H. W. Bowie his wife, all lot Prince
George's county, be and they are hereby authorised and em-
powered, to sell and convey, upon such terms as to them may
seem expedient, all that part of the real estate of the said James
W. L. Weems, lying in Calvert county in this slate, which by
last will and testament, dated on or about the twenty-third day
of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun-
dred and eight, was devised by the said James W. L. Weems
to the said Amelia M. Bowie, (then Amelia M. Weems,) and to
a certain Margaret Hall French, the ancestor of the before men-
tioned Margaret H. W, Bowie, ss tenants in common.
Real estate autho-
ised to be sold
2. And be it enacted. That any sale or conveyance marie
under the provisions of this act, shall have the same effect and
validity, and no other, as they would have if the aforesaid Mar-
garet H. W. Bowie was of the full age of twenty-one years;
Sale to have effect
and validity
Provided however, that before making such sale, or convey-
ance, the said Robert Bowie shall give bond, in such penally,
and with such security as the orphans court of Prince George's
county may approve, conditioned for the investment in such
fund, as the said court may also direct, of such part of the pro-
ceeds as the said court may also direct, arising from any sale
which may be made under this act, and to which the said Ro-
bert, and his said wife Margaret H. W. , Bowie, may be en-
titled to, and for the sole and separate use cf his said wife, and
her heirs.
3. And be it enacted, That the said bond shall be recorded
among the "records of the said court, and a copy thereof, under
the seal of such court, shall be as good and sufficient evidence
in any courts of this state as the original would be if produced
and proved.
Band to be record-
An Act to incorporate a Company in the City of Baltimore to be called The
Vigilant Fire Company.
Passed Feb 20, 1827
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, that the
member's of the -Vigilant Fire Company of the city of Balti-
more, have provided thernselves with a complete and efficient
apparatus for the extinguishment of fires, and have adopted a
constitution for the government of said company, and in order to
give effect to the laws, rules and regulations, which have or may
be established by the said company, it has been proved that
an act of incorporation may pass in their fayour: Therefore,