counties therein mentioned, passed February the eleventh,
eighteen hundred and twenty-two, chapter one hundred and
An Act for the relief of Mary Hall, of Worcester County.
WHEREAS by the act of assembly entitled, "An act for the
relief of sundry poor persons in the several counties therein
mentioned, " passed at December session, in the year of our
Lord eighteen hundred and twenty-five, the levy court of Wor-
cester county, are authorised and empowered, at their annual
meeting, so long as they shall see cause so to do, to levy and
assess on the assessable property of Worcester county, the sum
of twenty dollars, lor the use of Mary Hill, of Worcester coun-
ty, to be paid to her, or to her order, or to such person or per-
sons as the said levy court should direct: And whereas a cer-
tain Mary Hall, of Worcester county, was the name of the per-
son for whose use the said sum of money was intended, who
can have no benefit from the said provision in the said act of as-
sembly, by reason of the error in the said act of assembly;
Passed Jan 5, 1827
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the collector of Worcester county, be and he is hereby au-
thorised, to pay to Mary Hall, of Worcester county, or to her
order, all such sum or sums of money as he may have collected
for the use of Mary Hill, of said county, in pursuance of the pro-
visions of the act of assembly, entitled, "An act for the relief
of sundry poor persons in the several counties therein mention-
ed, " passed at December session, in the year of our Lord eigh-
teen hundred and twenty-five.
College for to pay o-
yer to Mary Hall,
certain monies.
2. And be it enacted, That the levy court of Worcester
county, be and they are hereby authorised, to levy and assess on
the assessable property of Worcester county, annually, for as
many years as they shall see cause so to do, a sum of money not
exceeding twenty dollars, to be paid to the said Mary Hall, or to
her order, or to such person or persons as the said levy court
may appoint.
Annual levy for
her support
An Act for the relief of certain Minors therein mentioned.
Passed Jan. 9, 1827
WHEREAS it appears to this legislature, from the petition of
Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, and Charles C. Harper, that
Emily L. Harper and Robert G. Harper, infant children of the
late Robert G. Harper, esquire, have an interest in a certain
tract of land called Moreland Manor, lying between the Tioga
River and the head of Seneca Lake, in the state of New York,
and that it is absolutely necessary, for the benefit of said infant
children, that a system for selling and leasing said lands, set on
foot by your petitioner Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, and the
said Robert G, Harper, esquire, before his death, and which
had actually commenced, should not be interrupted in conse-
quence of the majority of the said Emily L. Harper and Ro-
bert G. Harper; therefore,