CHAP. p. 3.
Names changed
wife and child, and is anxious to have the name of Williams
confirmed to him and his said wife and child by law; Therefore,
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the name of the said John Cullember, and Ann his wife,
and Mary Ann, his daughter, and of each of them, is hereby
changed and altered unto the name of John Williams, Ann
Williams, and Mary Ann Williams, and they and their descend-
ants, and the descendants of each of them, shall at all times
hereafter, be called and known by, and hold and use the name
of Williams only, and by such name shall sue and be sued in
any court of law or equity.
Lawful acts here-
after made, to be
2. And be it enacted. That all securities, promises, con-
tracts, assurances, deeds and lawful acts whatsoever, hereafter
to be made and done by, and to the said John Cullember and
Ann his wife, and Mary Ann, his daughter, or cither of them,
by the name of John Williams, Ann Williams, and Mary Ann
Williams, shall be of the same force, validity and effect, and of
equal avail to all intents and purposes, as if the name of John
Williams, Ann Williams, and Mary Ann Williams, had been
the true and proper name of the said John Cullember, and Ann
his wife, and Mary Ann, his daughter, from their births, any
law or custom to the contrary notwithstanding.
To transmit inhe-
3. And be it enacted, That the said John Williams shall be, and
he is hereby made capable in law, to transmit inheritance, as if
born in wedlock.
Passed Jan. 5, 1327
An Act to alter and change the name of James Mills, a Minor, of Dorches-
ter County, to that of James Applegarth.
Name changed
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the name of James Mills, be and is hereby changed and
altered unto the name of James Applegarth, and it shall and
may be lawful for the said James Mills, at all times hereafter,
to be called and known by, and hold and use the name of James
Applegarth, and by this name to purchase, sell, convey or de-
vise, and to sue and be sued in any court of law or equity.
Lawful acts here-
after made, to be
2. And be it enacted, That all securities, promises, con-
tracts, assurances, deeds and lawful acts whatsoever, hereafter
to be made or done by or to the said James Applegarth, shall
be of the same force and effect, and equally avail to all intents
and purposes, as if the name of said James Applegarth had
originally been his true and proper name.
Passed Jan. 5, 1827
An Act to extend to Thomas St. Clair, of Harford County, the benefit of an
act passed February the eleventh, eighteen hundred and twenty-two,
chapter one hundred and fifty-two, relating to public roads in the several
Counties therein mentioned.
Benefit of act ex-
tended to him
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the levy court of Harford county, on the application of
Thomas St. Clair, claiming damages sustained by the road laid
out from the end of Rock-Ridge to James St Clair's bars,
through the lands of the said Thomas St Clair shall extend to
him the benefit of an act relating to public roads in the several