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Session Laws, 1826 Session
Volume 437, Page 257   View pdf image (33K)
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No. 82.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the eastern shore be in-
structed to extend the time of payment of the judgment in
favour of the state against Joseph J. Gilliss, and others, securi-
ties of Cord Hazzard, late sheriff of Worcester county, for the
term of twelve months; Provided, that the said Joseph J. Gil-
liss, ami other securities for the said Hazzard, shall jgive good
and sufficient security, to be approved by the treasurer of the
eastern shore, for the payment of the judgment and claims a-
foresaid, with six per cent, interest from the date of their be-
coming due until paid.

Passed Mar 13, 1827
In favour of J.J.

No. 83.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to
the members and officers of this general assembly, now in at-
tendance, such per diem as they may be entitled to up to the
sixteenth of this month inclusive.

Passed Mar 13, 1827
Members and offi-
cers of the Gene-
ral Assembly

No. 84.
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be and they are
hereby authorised and requested, to cause a copy of the index
to the laws of Maryland, from the year 1819 to 1825, inclusive
to be delivered to each court, and to each judge or justice of
such court, to each member of the general assembly, to each
member of the council , and to each public library in this state

Passed Mar 13 1827
Distribution of
Index to Laws

No. 85.
WHEREAS by a resolution of the last general assembly of
Maryland, the bill, entitled, An act to amend and reduce into
one system the several acts of assembly respecting officers fees
fop the better regulation of the same, and to establish a more
equitable and uniform mode of charging them among the seve
ral and respective public officers throughout this state, and fo
other purposes, was ordered to be reprinted, under the superb
tendance and direction of the present chief clerk of this house
with such corrections and modifications thereof as he should
consider necessary; and the said clerk having, at the commence
ment of the present session, reported a bill in pursuance of th
resolution aforesaid; Therefore,
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to
Gideon Pearce, the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars, as
a compensation for the performance of the services required of
him by the resolution No. 99 passed by the last general assem-

Passed Mar 13 1827
In favour of Gid-
eon Pearce

No. 86,
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to
William Kilty, chief clerk of the senate, ami Gideon Pearce
chief clerk of the house of delegates, each the sum of fifty dol-
lars, as a compensation tor their extraordinary services, during
the present session,

Passed Mar 13 1827
In favour clerks

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Session Laws, 1826 Session
Volume 437, Page 257   View pdf image (33K)
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