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Session Laws, 1826 Session
Volume 437, Page 256   View pdf image (33K)
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Passed Mar 13, 1827
Claim of the state
to public lands

NO. 78
WHEREAS the government of the United States have, in va-
nous instances, appropriated, for the promotion of public in-
struction in many of these states, large tracts of the public
lands; And whereas the state of Maryland was one of the
original federation of thirteen states, which so liberally expend-
ed the blood and treasure of their citizens in that glorious cen-
test that gave freedom to this favoured land; Therefore,
RESOLVED, That the state of Maryland is justly entitled to a
fair and equitable portion of the public lands of the United
States, for purposes of general instruction and education.
RESOLVED, That oar senators and representatives in congress
be requested to use their best efforts to obtain, for the state of
Maryland, a grant of lands for the above purpose.
RESOLVED, That his excellency the governor be requested to
transmit to each of our senators and representatives in congress
a copy of the preceding preamble and resolutions.

Passed Mar 13 1827
Appropriation of
proceeds of public

No. 79.
WHEREAS an inquiry into the expediency of appropriating a
portion of the annual nett proceeds of the sales and entries of
the public latids, for the support of common schools, has been
instituted in the congress of the United States: And whereas
the committee on public lands have reported a bill for that pur-
pose: And whereas the proposed measure is approved of by
this general assembly; Therefore,
RESOLVED by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the senators and representatives of this state, in the congress of
the United States, be requested to co-operate, in obtaining the
passage of the said bill.
FURTHER RESOLVED, That his excellency the governor, be
requested to forward to each of the senators and representatives
of this state, in the congress of the United States, the foregoing
preamble and resolutions.

Passed 13, 1827
In favour Unity

No. 80.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the eastern shore be and
he hereby is authorised and required, to allow to Unity Gallag-
her, of Cecil county, a deduction of sixteen dollars and fifty
cents, on the amount of valuation of certain improvements on
a tract of land called "Ewing's Lot Rectified," as surveyed Oc-
tober 13th, 1825, under a warrant issued on the 16th of April
18S5, to said Unity Gallagher.

Passed Mar 12 1827
In favour of the
representatives of
J Nicholson
According to the
engrossed resolu-

No. 81.
RESOLVED, That a delay until the first day of March 1827,
be allowed to the personal representatives of John Nicholson,
late of Anne-Aruudel county, for the payment of certain judg-
ments of the state against them, provided, that the said repre-
sentatives shall derive no benefit from the resolution until they
enter into a bond, in such penal sum as the orphans court of
Anne-Arundel county shall direct, and with such security as
they slxall approve, conditioned to pay whatever is due on said
judgment by the estate of said John Nicholsom.

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Session Laws, 1826 Session
Volume 437, Page 256   View pdf image (33K)
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