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Session Laws, 1826 Session
Volume 437, Page 253   View pdf image (33K)
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No. 64.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore, pay to
George Lashley, of Cecil county, or to his order, during life, in
half yearly pay ments, a sum of money equal to the half pay of
a private, as a further remuneration for his services during the
revolutionary war.

Passed Mar 12, 1827
In favour of Geo.

No. 65.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore, pay to
each member of the legislature, with the clerks and other offi-
cers, such per diem as they may be entitled to, since the clos-
ing of the journal of accounts, up to the fourteenth of March
inclusive; and that the committee of claims furnish the said
treasurer with a list of members, clerks, and other officers, so

Passed Mar 12 1827
In favour of mem-
bers of legislature,

No. 66.
RESOLVED, That the board of public works be required to
assume the payment of the sum of one hundred dollars, to the
commissioners under the act incorporating the Susquehanna and
Patapsco Canal Company, being the amount of necessary ex
penses under said law.

Passed Mar 12, 1827
Payment com-
missioners, &c

No, 67.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to
each of the Reverend Chaplains of this general assembly the
sum of one hundred dollars, for their professional services dur-
ing the present session.

Pasted Mar 12, 1827
In favour of the

No. 68.

RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to
Thomas S. Alexander twenty dollars, for services rendered as
an assistant clerk to the senate.

Passed Mar 12 1827
In favour Thos S.

No. 69.
The committee appointed and directed by an order of the

House of delegates, to inquire into the expediency of heatinf
the apartments of the state house, in some manner more safe
and comfortable than the mode now usedr report — That the
have had the same under their consideration, and matle the ne-
cessary inquiry , and are of an opinion, that healing the said
house with steam would add greatly to the health and comfort
of the legislature, as well jas contribute to the safety of the
building from fire; Therefore,
RESOLVED, That this report, and the accompanying docu-
ments, be submitted to the governor and council, and they are
hereby requested to ascertain the probable expense of heating
the state house with steam, and report to the next general as
sembly of Maryland.

Passed Mar 12 1827
Hearing State
House with steam

No. 74
RESOLVED, That the clerk of the council immediately adver-
tise, in the newspapers printed in the city of Annapolis, and
two of the newspapers printed in the city of Baltimore, and

Passed Mar 12, 1827
Printing of the


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Session Laws, 1826 Session
Volume 437, Page 253   View pdf image (33K)
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