in half yearly payments, a sum of money equal to the half pay
of a private, as a .farther remuneration for his services during
the revolutionary war.
Passed Mar 12 1827
In favour of Chas.
No. 59.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to
Charles Croxall, of the city of Baltimore, or to his order, dur-
ing life, in half yearly payments, a sum of money equal to the
half pay of a captain of (dragoons, as a further remuneration for
his services during the revolutionary war.
Passed Mar 12, 1827
Accounts of late
agent for the wes-
tern shore
No. 60.
WHEREAS, from the repeated indulgences granted by the le-
gislature to certain state debtors, who became indebted to the
state before the year 1822, the payment into the treasury of the
monies due have been delayed, and the commissions, which the
state's agent would have received, has thereby been withheld,
under the provisions of the existing laws he is only entitled to
receive a commission on those old state debts when the money,
has been actually paid into the treasury ; Therefore,
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore, in set-
tling the accounts of the late state's agent for the western shore,
allow him the legal commission which he would have received,
had not indulgencies been granted by the legislature to those
state debtors, whose debts became due before the 21st of Febru-
ary 1822, when the act appointing agents was passed, and to pay-
to the said agent, or his order, one half of the amount of the
said commissioners, and the other half when the said debts are
paid into the treasury.
Passed Mar 12 1827
Relative to Milita
ry Professor at
Saint John's Co
No. 61.
WHEREAS, the military professorship, established as a de-
parment in St. John's College, will no doubt be of great ser-
vice to the militia, and of importance to the military character
of this state; Therefore,
RESOLVED, That the governor and council be and they are
hereby authorised, to grant a commission of lieutenant-colonel
to the military professor in that department.
Passed Mar 12 1827
Do favour of Ri-
chard Waters
No. 62.,
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to
Richard Waters, of the city of Baltimore, or to his order, dur-
ing life, in half yearly payments,, a sum of money equal to
the pay of a captain, as a further remuneration' for his services
during the revolutionary war.
Passed Mar 12, 1827
In favour of Ben-
jamin Popham
No. 53.
RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western store pay to
Benjamin Popham, of Anne-Arundel county, or to his order,
during life, in half yearly payments, a sum of money equal to
the half pay of a private, as a further remuneration for his ser-
vices during the revolutionary war.