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Session Laws, 1826 Session
Volume 437, Page 240   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 266

perty so removed, shall be liable to be Mowed and distrained
in the same meaner as if it were found on the premises rented
and occupied by much tenant, within the time limited for dis-


training for rent due; Provided, that such property shall not
have been sold to a bona fide purchaser without notice, or tak-
en in execution.

Passed Mar 12 1837

An Additional Supplement to an Act relative to Licenses, passed at Decem-
ber session eighteen hundred and twenty-four, chapter one hundred and

Clerk, in recess of
court, authorised
to Court licenses,

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the county clerks shall, in the recess of court, grant li-
censes to retailers of spirituous liquors, for a term not less than
twelve months from the date thereof, on their entering into a
recognizance, with two securities, before a justice of the peace,
that they will comply with the provisions of the several laws
of this state relative to retailers of spirituous liquors.

Passed Mar 10, 1827

Commissioners to
cuter into bond

An Act requiring the Commissioners of Lotteries to give Bond,

1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the present commissioners of lotteries, and those that may
hereafter be appointed, shall annually, between the first and tenth
days of April, each give bond to the state of Maryland, .with
two securities, to be approved by the judges of Baltimore city
court, each bond to be in the penal sum of twenty thousand dol-
lars, conditioned, that the said commissioners shall well and tru-
ly perform and discharge all the duties required of him, as a
sommissioner of lotteries, .and that he, whilst such commis-
sioner, will abstain from and avoid, all manner of concern or
interest in the gain or losses of any lottery scheme, or be con-
cerned in the purchase of any lottery ticket or tickets, pr parts
thereof, that he will faithfully pay over all monies which shall
come into his hands, as a commissioner of lotteries, to the per-
son or persons, bodies politic or corporate, who shall be entitled
to receive the same, and will in all respects comply with the
requisitions of the laws of this state, and such as may hereafter
be enacted in relation to his duty as a commissioner of lotte-
ries; and the said bonds shall be recorded among the records of
Baltimore city court, by the clerk of said court, and an office
copy thereof, under the hand of the clerk, and seal of the court,
shall be, to all intents and purposes, as available evidence in
any court of justice in this state, and elsewhere, as the origi-
nal, if produced and legally proved; and the state of Mary-
land, and all bodies politic or corporate, or individuals who
may be interested in the performance of the duties intended to
be secured by the said bond, shall he at liberty to demand a
copy of said bond, and to bring a suit thereon in the name of
the state, for his, her or their use, and may recover thereon the
full amount of clebt or damages which he she or they, may

eths of tickets
must be sold be-
fore lottery to


shew him, her or themselves, entitled to, or have sustained
2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners of lotteries shall
not permit any state lottery to commerce drawing until seventeen-
twentieths of the tickets in said lottery have been first sold,

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Session Laws, 1826 Session
Volume 437, Page 240   View pdf image (33K)
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