CHAP. 37.
Passed Jan. 6, 1827
Time for pay-
ment of certain
revenue into the
treaiury extended
An A.ct to extend the time for James Dirickson, late Collector of Worcester
County, to complete his collection.
. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland;
That the time limited by law for the payment into the treasury
of the revenue for the support of government by James Di-
rickson, ordered to be levied by the act of December session
eighteen hundred and twenty-four, chapter one hundred and
fifty-nine, be and the same is hereby extended to the first day
of June next; Provided, that the said James Dirickson shall on
or before the first day of March next, give an additional bond
to the state of Maryland, in a penalty, and with security to be,
approved of by any two justices of the orphans court of Wor-
cester county, conditioned for his faithfully collecting, paying,
and accounting for, all monies not heretofore collected and paid
over, directed to be collected under the said act of December
session eighteen hundred and twenty -four, chapter one hundred
and fifty-nine, on or before the said first day of June next.
Bond to be record-
2. And be it enact ed. That the said bond so to be entered
into by the said James Dirickson, shall be immediately deliver-
ed by the justices of the orphans court, who are authorised by
this act to take the same, to the clerk of Worcester county
court, to be by him recorded, a certified copy whereof, under
the seal of the said court, shall be as available for all purposes
as the original bond would be if produced and proved.
Passed Jan 27, 1827
An Act to authorise and empower James J. Bourne, of Calvert county, to
perfect a contract entered into by himself, and Susan his Wife, with Na-
thaniel Dare, of the said county, and for other purposes.
WHEREAS it has been represented to this general assembly
by the petition of James J. Bourne, that by the death of John
Dare, of Calvert county, a considerable tract of land, situate in
said county, descended to Susan Bourne, wife of the petitioner,
and to Ann B. Dare and Nathaniel Dare, heirs at law of the
said John Dare, and that the petitioner and wife sold their inte-
rests in the said land to Nathaniel Dare, and gave their bond
for the conveyance of the same, on the final payment of the
purchase money, in three annual instalments, and that since the
making of the said contract, the wife of the petitioner hath de-
parted this life, leaving four children named Margaret A. Bourne,
Mary D. Bourne, John D. Bourne and James J. Bourne, all
minors, and that the said Nathaniel Dare hath paid a part of the
purchase money to the petitioner: And whereas the petitioner
hath prayed the passage of a law enabling him to complete the
said contract, and securing his rights, and those of his children,
under the act to direct descents, and its several supplements:
And whereas the facts stated in the said petition appear to be
true; Therefore,
J J. Bourne em-
powered to com-
plete contract
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the said James J. Bourne is hereby authorised, empower-
ed, enabled and made capable, to complete the contract entered
into by himself, and Susan his wife, with the said Nathaniel Dare,