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Session Laws, 1826 Session
Volume 437, Page 237   View pdf image (33K)
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son to cut down, any timber or tree, of a size not less than
those commonly used for hoop poles, with intent to steal
the same, or cause or induce any other person to steal the same,
or any part thereof, every person so offending, his aiders and
abetters, having knowledge of such intent to steal, shall be ad-
judged guilty of felony, and shall be sentenced to such punish-
meat as now is, or hereafter may be, prescribed by law for fe-
loniously stealing goods or chattels to the value of the tree or
trees, which shall be so cut down as aforesaid, and of the inju-
ry thereby occasioned

CHAP, 260

2. And be it enacted. That every person who shall advised
ly and maliciously, with intent to injure the owner of any
land, bouse or building, cut down any tree, or cut down, break,
dig or pull up, or in any other manner destroy or injure any
growing grain, shrubs, herbs, roots, vines or vegetables, or
shall cut, break, pull off, destroy or injure, any part of any
house, or other building, or of any wall or fence, or any orna-
ment, or other valuable article attached to any house or other
building, wall or fence, shall be deemed guilty of a misde-
meanor, and on conviction thereof shall be adjudged to be fined
or imprisoned, or both, in the discretion of the court before
which any such person shall be tried and convicted.

Destroying grain
&c deemed a mis-

3. And be it enacted. That nothing herein contained shall
be so construed as to apply to Allegany, Cecil, Harford, Wor-~
cester, Montgomery, Anne Arundel, Somerset, Caroline, or
Charles counties.

Not to apply to
certain counties

A Further Supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the benefit of the U-
niversity of Maryland, passed at December session eighteen hundred and
sixteen, chapter 78,

Passed Mar 13, 1827

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That from and after the passage of this act, it shall be lawful
for the trustees of the University of Maryland to complete, by
lottery, the amount authorised to be raised by the act to which
this is a supplement, in as many additional schemes not exceed-

Amount autho-
rised to be raised
by lottery.

ing five in number, as they may find necessary; Provided, that
the lotteries shall be drawn under the direction and control of
the lottery commissioners, and the tickets shall be disposed of,
and the lotteries drawn in all respects in conformity to the re-
gulations prescribed by law for the drawing of state lotteries.


An Act to authorise William Wailes to appeal from the decision of the Levy
Court of Somerset Cointy.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That William Wailes, of Somerset county, be and he in here-
by authorised and empowered, to appeal from the decision of
the levy court of Somerset county, relative to a certain road
laid out and opened by them, leading from Salisbury to the
Delaware line; and the judges of Somerset county court are di-
rected to receive and hear said appeal, and give such judgment
thereon as may be consistent with justice and the law, any act
of assembly to the contrary notwithstanding.

Passed Mar 13 1827
Appeal authorised


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Session Laws, 1826 Session
Volume 437, Page 237   View pdf image (33K)
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