An Act to confirm certain proceedings of David Crawford, Alexander Man-
dell, John R. Magruder, Junior, and John Hodges, Commissioners, ap-
pointed by an act of the last session of assembly, to appropriate and ex-
pend certain monies raised by Lottery.
CHAP. 33.
Passed Jan 24, 1827
WHEREAS by an act of assembly passed at December ses-
sion eighteen hundred and twenty -five, entitled, A supplement
to an act, entitled, An act to authorise a lottery to raise a sum of
money to clear out the creeks leading to and from Upper-
Marlborough and Queen-Anne, in Prince-George's county, Da-
vid Crawford, Alexander Mundell, John R. Magruder, Junior,
John Hodges, Doctor Clement Smith, William T. Wootton,
William Wells, of George, William D. Clagett, Thomas Soper,
and Charles Clagett, were appointed commissioners to appro-
priate and expend the sum of three thousand dollars, agreeably
to the provisions of the act, to which the said act, passed at the
last session, is a supplement: And whereas by the said supple-
mentary act, the said commissioners were required to give bond
to the state, in the penalty of six thousand dollars, conditioned
for the faithful appropriation of the said sum of three thousand
dollars: And whereas one half of the said sum of three thou-
sand dollars was intended to be applied towards the improve-
ment of the navigation of the branch leading to Queen-Anne,
and the other half to the branch leading to Upper-Marlborough:
And whereas the aforesaid David Crawford, Alexander Mun-
dell, John R. Magruder, Junior, and John Hodges, (the other
commissioners having refused to act,) entered into bond to the
state, in the penalty of three thousand dollars, conditioned for
the faithful expenditure of the sum of fifteen hundred dollars,
and expended the sum of twelve hundred dollars upon the
western branch leading to the town of Upper-Marlborough, and
thereby greatly improved the navigation thereof; Therefore,
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the proceedings of the said David Crawford, Alexander
Mundell, John R. Magruder, junior, and John Hodges, be and
the same are hereby ratified and confirmed.
Proceedings con-
2. And be it enacted, That the aforesaid David Crawford,
Alexander Mundell, John R. Magruder, junior, and John Hodg-
es, be and they are hereby authorised and empowered, if they
shall see fit so to do, to expend and appropriate the balance of the
said sum of fifteen hundred dollars on the said western branch,
without giving any further or additional security for the dis-
charge of said trust.
Balance of sum
may be appria-
An Act to provide for the repairing a certain Bridge therein mentioned.
Passed Jan 25, 1827
WHEREAS it has been represented to this general assembly
that it would tend greatly to the accommodation and conve-
nience of the inhabitants of Prince-George's and Anne-Arun-
del counties, and to the public generally, if the bridge over the
Patuxent river, called and known by the name of The Gover-
nor's Bridge, was repaired; Therefore,
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the justices of the levy court of Prince-George's county,
Levy authorised
in P.George's and
A, A. counties