CHAP. 31.
one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight, deliver to the
clerk of Frederick county court, a description in writing, under
their hands and seals, specifying plainly the boundaries and
number of the election district so laid off by them, and also the
place where the elections for such district shall be held ; and the
said clerk shall record the same in the records of said county.
Notice to be giv-
en of holding elec-
tion in new dis-
4. And be it enacted, That the sheriff of said county shall
give notice of holding the election in such district, so laid off
anew, by causing the same .to be inserted in one or more news-
papers printed in Frederick county, once a week for at least two
months previous to holding the first election after the confirma-
tion of this act.
to be applied
5. And be it enacted, That if any of the commissioners
named in this act shall refuse to accept his appointment before the
first day of March eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, the re-
maining commissioners, or a majority of them, are hereby au-
thorised to fill up such vacancy or vacancies.
Allowance to
6. And be it enacted, That each commissioner shall be enti-
tled to receive at the rate of two dollars per day for every day
he shall act in the discharge of the duties imposed on him by
the provisions of this act, to be assessed and levied by the levy
court of Frederick county, as other county charges are; which
said sums, when levied and collected, shall be paid over as other
county charges are.
When confirmed
to be part of con-
7. And be it enacted, That if this act shall be confirmed by
the general assembly of Maryland, after the next election of de-
legates, during the first session after such new election, as the
constitution and form of government directs, in such case this
act, and the alterations herein contained, shall constitute and be
considered as a part of the constitution and form of government
to all intents and purposes, any thing therein contained not-
Passed Jan 25,1827
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act for incorporating a Society to edu-
cate and maintain Poor Orphan, and other destitute Female Children, .by
the name of The Orphaline Charity School, and to repeal the act of as-
sembly therein mentioned.
Style of corpo-
ration changed
1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the name and style of the said corporation be and the same
is hereby changed to that of The Baltimore Female Orphan
Asylum, under and by which name they shall hereafter have and
enjoy all the powers, rights and privileges, granted and secured to
them by the original act of incorporation, and the supplements
Gifts, &c here.
infoe made to be
held in same man-
ner as if style had
not been changed
2. And be it enacted, That all gifts, grants, conveyances or
devises, heretofore made to the said Orphaline Charity School,
by that name, or by any other name by which it may have here-
tofore been known and called, shall be had, taken and enjoyed,
by the said Baltimore Female Orphan Asylum, in the same
manner as if the name and style of the said corporation had not
been changed.