State all or any part of the militia as he may deem proper or necessary. Whenever the
militia shall be in the active service each and every member thereof so ordered to active
State duty shall be vested, in enforcing the laws of this State, with all the authority of
peace or police officers for the duration of such active State duty of such members, and
their bailiwick shall extend throughout the State. Active State service or active duty as
referred to herein shall not include drill periods or preparation therefor or equivalent
training, or annual field training of the militia while in its capacity as National Guard of
the United States, unless the Governor shall provide specifically to the contrary.
Whenever the militia or any part thereof shall be in the active service of the State,
under the provisions of this section, the ranking officer of the militia or such part
thereof ordered into active State service, or his subordinates on active State duty, shall
cooperate with local law enforcement authorities or, as the exigencies of the case may
require, pursuant only to proper order from the Governor, subordinate the local law
enforcement authorities, including the State Police, to their direction and control and
shall assume all the powers vested in these subordinated law enforcement authorities.
The provisions of this section shall apply to the [State Guard] MARYLAND
DEFENSE FORCE as defined in the militia laws of Maryland, whenever the [State
Guard] MARYLAND DEFENSE FORCE shall be in existence pursuant to law.
There shall be a retired list exclusively restricted to officers and enlisted men of
the organized militia; such retired list shall be divided into three (3) groups, the
Maryland National Guard, retired; the Maryland [State Guard] DEFENSE FORCE,
retired; and the Maryland Minute Men, retired. The Governor may, under such
regulations as he shall deem proper, provide for the retirement of officers and enlisted
men. A retired officer or enlisted man may be ordered to active duty by the Governor.
Men enlisting in the organized militia shall take and subscribe to the following
oath of enlistment:
"1 do hereby acknowledge to have voluntarily enlisted this ....... day of ........... 19
...... in the (National Guard) [(State Guard)] (MARYLAND DEFENSE FORCE)
(Reserve Militia) of the State of Maryland for the period of ...... year(s), under the
conditions prescribed by law, unless sooner discharged by proper authority. I, ............
do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the United
States of America and to the State of Maryland; that I will serve them honestly and
faithfully against all their enemies whomsoever; and that I will obey the orders of the
President of the United States and the Governor of Maryland and the orders of the
officers appointed over me, according to law and regulations."
All officers of the organized militia of this State shall be empowered to administer
oaths of enlistment.
Maryland [State Guard] DEFENSE FORCE
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