BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Article 20, §§ 2-102(3), (23), (27), (29), and (32) as enacted by Bill No. 2-£
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
Approved and Enacted March 20, 1989.
Bill No. 13-89
AN ORDINANCE concerning:
Charter Amendments - County Code
FOR the purpose of renaming certain officers and employees in the exempt and
classified services; adding certain positions to the exempt service; adding certain
exempt employees to the financial disclosure requirements of the Public Ethics
Law; adding to the County Personnel law certain provisions pertaining to
probation and reallocation of positions; and generally relating to provisions
amending the County Code to conform to amendments to the County Charter
adopted at the General Election in November 1988.
BY repealing and reenacting, with amendments,
Article 2, §§ l-lOl(a), (3), (6), and (11), l-102(a), 1-103, 5-104(b) and (f),
5-105(4), 5-105.1, 5-105.2, 6-106, 7-104(1), and 7-105; Article 3, §§
l-102(a), (b), and (d), 2-102(d), and 2-105(e); Article 6, §§ 5-210(b) and
(e), 8-108(a); 9-104(c)(2), 9-204(3), 9-206(a), and 10-102(1); Article 8, §§
l-201(b)(25) and (138), l-202(b)(2) and (6), l-204(a)(3), l-205(c)(l),
l-206(a), l-308(c), 2-101(a)(3), (7), (8), (10), (12), (15), and (16) and (e),
4-101(f); Article 9, §§ l-101(e)(4), (5), and (8) and (j), 1-103, 2-101,
2-102(a), (e), and (d), 2-103, 2-104, 3-102(c), (d), and (f), 3-103(c), 3-108,
4-102(b) and (e), 5-103(a) and (b), 5-105(a), (b), and (e), 6-101, and 6-102;
Article 10, §§ l-105(a)(3), l-107(a), 2-101(d), 2-108(f), 2-113(a) and (b),
and 3-206(b), (e), and (d); Article 11, §§ 6-102(g); Article 12, § 2-103(d);
Article 13, §§ l-202(b), l-301(b) and (e); Article 16, §§ 9-211 and 13-105;
Article 21, § 3-205; Article 24, § 3-105(b)(3); Article 26, § 1-114; Article 28,
§§ 11-101(4), ll-102.1(a), ll-103(e), ll-105(a), ll-107(a) and (e),
11-108(a), (e), (d), and (e), ll-109(b), (d), and (e), 11-110, ll-lll(b),
12-214(a)(4), 12-215(5), 12-219(a)(3), 12-228(b), 12-231(3), 12-236(f)(2),
12-241(b)(6), 13-102(c), 13-104(a), (e), (g) and (i)(2) and (4), 13-105,
14-108(a) and (b), 16-101, 16-102, 16-104, 16-201(a) and (e), 16-203,
16-204, 16-205, 16-206, 16-207, 16-208, 16-210, 16-211, 16-212, 16-213,
and 17-103(f)(l)
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
BY adding
Article 8, §§ 1-107, 1-108, and 2-101(a)(2C), (10B), and (13A); and Article 9, §
1-101(15A), and (21A)
Anne Arundel County Code (1985, as amended)
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