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Session Laws, 1990 Session
Volume 436, Page 4007   View pdf image (33K)
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the proposed annexation.

[Pursuant to Section 18-2 of the Charter of the Town of Sykesville, Carroll
County, as found in the compilation of Municipal Charters of Maryland (1983 Edition).

Effective Date May 26, 1988]

Resolution No. 88-003
(Mt. Etna)

A RESOLUTION of the Mayor and Council of the Town of Sykesville adopted
pursuant to the authority of § 19 of Article 23A of the Annotated Code of Maryland,
permitting annexation of real property by municipal corporations when in conformity
with the requirements of Section 19, Article 23A of the Annotated Code of Maryland,
proposing to annex property described in the attached Exhibit "A" to the corporate
limits of the Town of Sykesville, and setting forth a time and place of public hearing for
the proposed annexation.

[Pursuant to Section 18-2 of the Charter of the Town of Sykesville, Carroll
County, as found in the compilation of Municipal Charters of Maryland (1983 Edition).

Effective Date December 29, 1988]


(Montgomery County)



FOR the purpose of repealing the Charter of the City of Takoma Park and
adopting a new Charter for the municipal corporation know as the City of Takoma Park
to stand in the place of the Charter so repealed; for the purpose of reestablishing a
form of government for the municipal corporation known as the City of Takoma Park;
providing for the election and appointment of officials for the municipal corporation;
providing for the filling of vacancies on the Council; providing for a Board of
Supervisors for Elections; specifying the procedures of registration for all City elections;
specifying the procedures for voting in City elections by absentee ballot; specifying the
powers of the municipal corporation; providing for the procedure of adopting,
amending, or rejecting municipal ordinances; providing for the enforcement of
ordinances and levying of fines as municipal infractions for violations of ordinances;
providing for the power to petition to referendum vote of the qualified voters of the
City any ordinance adopted by the Council within a specified time period except those
ordinances prohibited from referendum by the proposed Charter; providing for the
appointment of a City Administrator and specifying the duties and responsibilities of
said position; providing for the appointment of a City Corporation Counsel and
specifying the duties and responsibilities of said position; designating the Council to be

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Session Laws, 1990 Session
Volume 436, Page 4007   View pdf image (33K)
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