Chapter Page
Conversion of nonprofit health service plans to individual coverage
upon termination of employment or group membership,
provisions amended ........................................................................
17 319
Criminal background investigations of sheltered housing for the
elderly providers and employees, provisions added ......................
208 738
Grievance procedure at University of Maryland, associate staff
employees included in ....................................................................
325 1070
Harford County -
Work release programs, fee for prisoner expenses, provisions
altered ..........................................................................................
643 2754
Health insurance benefits, continuation of benefits for surviving
spouses and involuntarily terminated employees, provisions
amended ..........................................................................................
236 892
Job-related alcohol and controlled dangerous substances testing,
laboratory compliance with federal standards regarding cutoff
levels for positive testing, regulations required; request for
independent testing, provisions amended ......................................
602 2631
Job-related controlled dangerous substance and alcohol testing,
disclosure of results permitted as necessary to comply with federal
law ...................................................................................................
579 2543
Judges, retired, employment compensated with federal funds
permitted without retirement allowance reduction .......................
454 1868
Minimum wage provisions concerning tip credit and training wages,
altered .............................................................................................
55 379
Personnel Department employee suspensions, responsibility for
hearing appeals shifted ...................................................................
158 651
Power equipment operators, safety training programs, model
training programs, and safety education programs, provisions
added ...............................................................................................
481 2045
Public library personnel policies, requirements added .....................
622 2686
Public Service Partnership Program established to provide financial
assistance or college credit to students and public assistance to
areas of the State ............................................................................
621 2681
Uninsured Employers' Fund, employer deposit requirement
exemption for self-insured counties, municipalities, and boards ol
education .........................................................................................
435 1826
Uninsured Employers' Fund, upper and lower limits which
determine when contributions are to be acquired, increased .......
138 599
Washington County -
Education, Board of, members entitled to health insurance and
other fringe benefits ...................................................................
383 1264
Workers' Compensation Commission hearings, location provisions
altered .............................................................................................
344 1181
Workers' compensation law provisions concerning safety rules.
repealed .........................................................................................
! 80 504
Workers' Compensation ?
Benefit and Insurance Oversight Committee, time for making
recommendations extended and termination of certain workers
compensation laws delayed ...........................................................
97 533
Case payment report, quarterly submission to the Workers
Compensation Commission, requirements added .........................
490 2087
- 3815 -