Chapter Page
Wholesale Food Center Authority, Maryland SEE Food
Wicomico County —
Bonds - State -
John Wesley Methodist Episcopal Church Loan of 1988, matching
fund time extension added .........................................................
118 570
Salisbury State University, equipment for new academic building .
421 1786
Ward Foundation headquarters and the North American Wild
Fowl Art Museum .......................................................................
341 1171
Pretrial release, work release, community service, and home
detention programs; compassionate leave; reimbursement of
prisoner costs; provisions added ....................................................
586 2555
Sheriff, salary increased .....................................................................
169 664
Wildlands and Wildlife SEE Animals
Wills SEE Estates and Trusts
Wine SEE Alcoholic Beverages
Witnesses —
Psychiatric-mental health nursing specialist, disclosure of
client-related communications in judicial, legislative or
administrative proceedings, restrictions added .............................
300 1009
Women —
Displaced homemakers program, eligibility for services expanded ..
304 1023
Florence Crittenton Services of Baltimore, Inc., bond funds for ....
517 2313
Nurse midwives, prescribing and dispensing medication, provisions
added ...............................................................................................
352 1197
YWCA of Annapolis and Anne Arundel County, bond funds for ...
306 1026
Worcester County —
Alcoholic Beverages -
License applicants, statement relating to criminal convictions
required; acquisition of police records authorized ....................
600 2628
License suspension or revocation if not placed in operation after
issuance, provisions added ..........................................................
167 661
Bonds - State -
Assateague State Park, for bathhouse ...........................................
421 1781
Atlantic General Hospital ..............................................................
340 1170
State police radio tower upgrade at Berlin Barracks and
construction of a centrally located tower ...................................
421 1783
Hotel rental tax, unpaid, made a lien against the real and personal
property of the person owing .........................................................
638 2731
Ocean City Beach Replenishment Project, appropriation to ...........
409 1422
Work, Labor and Employment —
Access to information about hazardous and toxic substances in the
workplace, provisions altered .........................................................
153 628
Anne Arundel County -
Board of Education, noncertificated employees, negotiation of
fees for representation by employee organizations in
negotiation and grievance matters .............................................
623 2690
Carroll County -
Alcoholic beverage licensees, age and scope of employees,
exceptions expanded ...................................................................
589 2561
- 3814 -