this Joint Resolution, the salaries recommended by the Governor's Salary Commission
shall apply effective January 16, 1991. If the General Assembly amends the Joint
Resolution, the salaries specified in the Joint Resolution, as amended, apply.
At three meetings, conducted August through October, 1989, the Commission
evaluated gubernatorial compensation relative to a number of principles: growth in the
responsibilities of the office, compensation commensurate with the stature of this high
office, changes in the cost of living, maintenance of a reasonable differential between
the Governor's salary and those of other major State officials in Maryland, and
acceptable comparability with salaries of the governors of other states. The Commission
selected tentative salaries for the two offices and solicited public views regarding its
proposals. Thereafter, the Commission made its final determinations which are
presented in this Resolution and discussed in the Commission's Report, dated
December 1989.
Cognizant that its constitutional responsibilities extend only to gubernatorial
salary recommendations, the Commission nevertheless thought it prudent to review one
other important aspect of compensation, viz., the retirement plans applying to the
Governor and Lieutenant Governor. Comments and suggested retirement legislation
are included in the Commission's Report, dated December 1989; now, therefore, be it
The Governor's Salary Commission recommended an annual salary of $135,000
for the Governor and $115,000 for the Lieutenant Governor, beginning on January 16,
1991; now, therefore, be it
pursuant to Article II, Section 21A of the Maryland Constitution, the annual salaries
recommended by the Governor's Salary Commission be adopted as follows:
Article—State Government
T. ]()-)
^7 JTW.&~«
Beginning on January 16,—1991, the annual • salaries of the Governor and
Lieutenant Governor are: of the Governor and Lieutenant Governor, effective January
16, 1991, shall be as follows:
(1) Governor - $135,000 $120,000
(2) Lieutenant Governor - $115,000 $100,000
; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be fowarded by the Department of
Legislative Reference to the Honorable William Donald Schaefer, Governor of
Maryland; the Honorable Melvin A. Steinberg, Lieutenant Governor of Maryland; and
Charles L. Benton, Secretary of Budget and Fiscal Planning.
Signed May 2, 1990.
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