programs especially designed for Black males; and
(7) Develop strategies to improve the social condition of the Black male; and be
it further
RESOLVED, That the Commission report its initial findings and
recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly by January 1, 1991 and
annually thereafter; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be forwarded by the Department of
Legislative Reference to the Honorable William Donald Schaefer, Governor of
Maryland; the Honorable Thomas V. Mike Miller, Jr., President of the Senate of
Maryland; the Honorable R. Clayton Mitchell, Jr., Speaker of the House of Delegates;
the Honorable Adele Wilzack, Secretary of Health and Mental Hygiene; the Honorable
Bishop Robinson, Secretary of Public Safety and Corrections; the Honorable J. Randall
Evans, Secretary of Economic and Employment Development; the Honorable Lawrence
A. Shulman, President, State Board of Education; and the Honorable J. Henry Butta,
Chairperson, Maryland Higher Education Commission.
Signed May 2, 1990.
No. 4
(House Joint Resolution No. 7)
A House Joint Resolution concerning
Governor's Salary Commission - Salary Recommendations for Governor and
Lieutenant Governor
FOR the purpose of establishing the salaries to be paid the Governor and Lieutenant
Governor, as directed by Article II, Section 21A of the Maryland Constitution, for
the four-year term of office beginning January 16, 1991.
Article II, Section 21A of the Maryland Constitution established a seven member
Governor's Salary Commission comprised of the State Treasurer, three members
appointed by the President of the Senate, and three members appointed by ihe Speaker
of the House of Delegates. The Governor's Salary Commission is currently constituted
as follows: Honorable Lucille Maurer, State Treasurer; John Driggs, Norman M.
Glasgow, and Sister Mary Louise Lyons, D.C. appointed by the President of the Senate;
and the Honorable Carter M. Hickman, Louise T. Keelty, and George L. Russell, Jr.
appointed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates. The Commission elected George
L. Russell, Jr. as Chairman.
Pursuant to Article II, Section 21A of the Maryland Constitution, this Joint
Resolution may be amended to decrease, but not increase, the salaries recommended by
the Governor's Salary Commission. The salaries may not be decreased below their
January 1990 levels. If the General Assembly fails to adopt a Joint Resolution in
accordance with Article II, Section 21A within 50 calendar days after introduction of
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