(House Bill 685)
AN ACT concerning
State Commission of Real Estate Appraisers
FOR the purpose of adding a new title to the Business Occupations and Professions
Article establishing certain licensing and certification procedures for real estate
appraisers; creating a State Commission of Real Estate Appraisers; providing for
the membership, staff, powers, and duties of the Commission; creating the
position of executive director of the Commission; requiring that the Commission
adopt certain standards of conduct for real estate appraisers; requiring that the
Commission make available certain records, rosters, reports, and other
documents; providing for the disposition of certain money collected by the
Commission; allowing judicial review of certain contested cases; establishing a
hearing board and providing for the board's membership and procedures;
requiring an individual to be licensed before that individual may provide real
estate appraisal services in the State; establishing educational standards,
examinations, and other requirements that must be met to be licensed or to have
a license renewed; providing for the issuance, scope, term, renewal, and
reinstatement of a license; creating a temporary license for certain individuals;
allowing the Commission to grant waivers of certain licensing requirements to
nonresidents and others under certain conditions; requiring licensed real estate
appraisers to display their licenses under certain conditions; allowing licensed real
estate appraisers to provide real estate appraisal services through a professional
corporation under certain conditions; authorizing the Commission to impose
certain fines, deny a license to any applicant, reprimand any licensee, or suspend
or revoke a license or temporary liccnso under certain circumstances; requiring
hearings for licensees or applicants under certain circumstances; requiring
licensed real estate appraisers to keep certain documents for a certain period of
time; authorizing licensed real estate appraisers to provide independent or
specialized special appraisal service under certain circumstances conditions',
requiring an individual to be certified by the Commission before that individual
may provide certified real estate appraisal services in the State; creating certain
classifications of certification for real estate appraisers and establishing the
general requirements, scope, examinations, waivers of examination, terms,
renewal requirements, continuing education requirements, renewal grace period,
and reinstatement requirements for each classification of certification; requiring
that a certified real estate appraiser use the certificate number assigned by the
Commission; authorizing the Commission to deny a certificate to any applicant,
reprimand any certificate holder, or suspend or revoke a certificate under certain
circumstances; requiring hearings for certificate holders or applicants under
certain circumstances; authorizing the Commission to conduct certain
investigations; providing that certain sections of this Act shall be null and void in
certain circumstances; specifying that certain course work requirements may be
considered by the Commission under certain circumstances; prohibiting certain acts
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