Hasselbaugh, see Hasselbach.
Hayes, James, Jr., manages John Dunlap's
Baltimore office, 117; buys Dunlap's Mary-
land Gazette and conducts it (1778-1779),
117; removes to Annapolis and starts news-
paper, 117-118.
Hearne, Thomas (the Antiquary), 65; Col-
lections, cited, 65n; Diary, cited, 67n.
Hemp, Culture of, Nos, 350 and 351.
Henderson, Jacob (the Rev.), Nos. 61, 61n.
Henry, Patrick, 60.
Henry, Sarah (Shelton), 60.
Herbert, Stewart, printer, 146.
Herman, Ephraim, Copies of some Records,
and Depositions Relating to Great Bohemia
Mannor lying on Bohemia River in Mary-
land, cited 55.
Hildeburn, C. S. R., A Century of Printing,
the Issues of the Press in Pennsylvania,
1685-1784, cited, 12n; Sketches of Printers
and Printing in Colonial New York, cited,
12n, 52n.
His Excellency's Speech (1708), 35; No. 20;
(1719), No. 24.
His Majesty's Most gracious Speech (1775),
No. 372.
The History of Colonel Nathaniel Bacon' s Re-
bellion, by Ebenezer Cooke, No. 70.
Hodge, Robert, printer, of Baltimore and
New York, 115.
Hodge and Shober, 114-115; advertise print-
ing office in Baltimore, 115; failure and
removal to New York, 115.
Holdsworth, Edward, 65; No. 43.
Holt, John, printer, 120, 121, 122, 129, 133,
I37n, 138, I38n.
Honig, G. J., cited, non.
Hoof, Anne Catharine, see Green, Anne
Catharine (Hoof).
Howard of Effingham, Lord Francis, 2, 3,
Hubbart, Tuthill, cited, 131n.
Hughes, T. A. (the Rev.), History of the So-
ciety of Jesus in North America, cited, 55n,
Important Intelligence from St. John's (1775),
No. 357.
In Congress (Dec. 11, 1776), No. 386; (Dec.
23, 1776), No. 387; (Dec. 30, 1776), No.
388; (Dec.31, 1776),No.389; (July 4, 1776),
No. 392.
Independence, Declaration of, No. 392.
Independent Gazetteer, published by Eleazer
Oswald (1782), 140.
Intelligence by Express Last Night (1775), No.
International Association of Antiquarian
Booksellers, Catalogue issued by (1912),
It appearing to Congress (1776), No. 388.
"J., H." addresses verses to Ebenezer Cooke,
Jacques, Lancelot, 105n, 107, 110.
James, Abel, 127n.
Jamestown, Virginia, Printing in, 1, 2.
Jefferson, Thomas, 85, 87.
Jesuit Press of St. Mary's City, Maryland,
147, 148, 149.
Johnson, Thomas, Governor of Maryland,
105n, 139, 140.
Johnston, Christopher, cited, I9n.
"Join or die," motto used by Franklin, God-
dard and Isaiah Thomas, 123, 123n.
Jones, Evan, publishes Bray Sermon (1700),
22; services to the Province, 40-41; peti-
tion to print compiled laws granted(1718),
41; printed by Andrew Bradford, 42; im-
portance of this compilation, 42; Jones's
"Preface," 42; publishes session laws
(1719), 43; authorized to print tobacco
laws (172 1/22), 44; acts as provincial pub-
lication agent, 44; death (1722), 41, 44;
mentioned 51, 63.
Jones, Evan, Jr., 4on.
Jones, John, 4On.
Jones, Hugh (the Rev.), No. 113.
Jones, Mary (Bradford), 40n.
Jones, S., The Most Important Question,
What is Truth, cited, 74n.
Joppa, Maryland, Petition to remove court