"Government and Judicature"of Maryland,
Debates on, 57; No. 33.
Governors' Speeches, see Maryland, Assem-
bly Documents.
Great Britain, Nos. 8, 147, 148, 244, 259,
Green family, Long connection of, with
American printing, 75-76, 94; Maryland
branch of, 76; children of Jonas and Anne
Catharine Green, 76; Anne Catharine
(2d), Augusta, Catherine, Deborah, Eliz-
abeth, Frederick, John, Jonas (two of the
name), Marie, Mary Rebecca, Samuel,
William, 76n, 77n.
Green, Abigail, see Rind, Abigail (Green).
Green, Anne Catharine (Hoof), 15; marries
Jonas Green, 76; their children, 76n; con-
tinues press after husband's death, 84;
employment of Thomas Sparrow, en-
graver, 89; address to the public, 90; ap-
pointment as public printer, 90-91; some
issues of her press, 91; controversy with
Parson Allen, 91 n; various firm names of
Anne Catharine Green and sons, 93; death
and obituary, 93; character, 93.
Green, Frederick, 76n, 93, 118.
Green, Jonas, 46, 75-94; ancestry, 75-76;
early life, 76; prints alone in Boston, 76;
prints in Philadelphia, 76; marries and
removes to Annapolis, 76; children, 76,
77n; date of coming to Maryland, 77; be-
comes public printer, 77; earliest Mary-
land imprints, 78-79; skill as printer, 79;
civic and social activities, 80-81; member-
ship in Tuesday Club, 81 ; establishes sec-
ond Maryland Gazette (1745), 82; letter
from, to Franklin, 82; his printing house,
81n; conduct during the Stamp Act con-
troversy, 83; edition of Bacon's Laws of
Maryland ', 84; partnership with William
Rind, 85; association with Thomas Spar-
row, engraver, 87-89; death, 84; widow
and sons, 90-94; proposes to issue body
of laws, 98n; printing equipment, 153;
acts foriiis encouragement and other offi-
cial relations with the Assembly, 151-153;
mentioned, in connection with printing of
Bacon's Laws of Maryland, 95, 107, 109,
no; Nos. 236, 237.
Green, Jonas, grandson of Jonas Green(ist),
93, 94.
Green, Mary (Flint), 76.
Green, Mrs. Nicholas Harwood, 82n.
Green, Samuel, printer, of Cambridge, Mass-
achusetts, 75, 76, 94.
Green, Samuel, son of Jonas, 77n, 93, 118.
Green, "Deacon" Timothy, father of Jonas,
Green, Timothy, brother of Jonas, 76, 77n.
Green, William, 76n, 90, 91n, 93; No. 280.
Green and Rind, Publishers (1758-1766), 85.
Grove, — (shipowner), 109.
"H. J., " see J., H.
Hagerstown, Maryland, Printing in, 146.
Hall, David, printer, of Philadelphia, 124n.
Hall, Edmund, partner of William Parks,
70, yon.
Hall, William, printer, of Philadelphia, 115.
Hamersly, Hugh, secretary to Lord Balti-
more, 109.
Hamilton, Dr. Alexander, of Annapolis, 76n;
No. 109.
Hamilton, Andrew, 42n, 52n.
Hamilton's Itinerarium, 76n.
Hammond, Philip, No. 176.
Hanrick — (ship captain), 109.
Harrison, S. A., History of Talbot Co., Mary-
land, cited, 98 n.
Harrison, Thomas, 112.
Hart, John, Governor of Maryland, 42.
Hartford, Connecticut, Postal Service with
Boston, 131.
Harvey, Abigail, see Rind, Abigail (Green).
Harvey, Edward, No. 355.
Harwood, Mrs. Anne, 8 in.
Hasselbach, Catherine, wife of Nicholas Has-
selbach, 112, 112n, 114.
Hasselbach, Nicholas, printer, of Philadel-
phia, Chestnut Hill and prototypographer
of Baltimore, 112; activities of his press,
112-1 14; single known Baltimore imprint,
113; questionable imprints, 113-1 14; cleat h