Maryland Imprints of the Colonial Period, l689-1776
229. —To his Excellency | Horatio Sharpe, Esq;| Governor and Commander in Chief in
and over | the Province of Maryland:| The humble Address of | the House of Delegates.|
May it please your Excellency,| ..... April 14, 1761. [Signed,] H. Hooper, Speaker.] His
Excellency's Answer:] Gentlemen of the Lower House of Assembly,| ..... April 15, 1761.
[Signed,] Horo. Sharpe.| Annapolis: Printed by Jonas Green, Printer to the Province.|
Broadside. 127/16 x 77/16 inches; head and tail pieces; imprint beneath tail-piece.
MdHS. (Calvert Papers, No. 637 1/2.)
230. —To his Excellency | Horatio Sharpe, Esq;| Governor and Commander in Chief in
and over | the Province of Maryland:] The humble Address of | the Upper House of Assem-
bly. | May it please your Excellency,| ..... April 15, 1761. [Signed,] B. Tasker, President.|
His Excellency's Answer:| Gentlemen of the Upper House of Assembly,| ..... 16th of
April, 1761. [Signed,] Horo. Sharpe.| Annapolis: Printed by Jonas Green, Printer to the
Province. | [1761.]
Broadside. I2| x 77/16 inches; head and tail pieces; imprint beneath tail-piece.
MdHS. (Calvert Papers, No. 637 3/4.)
231. —Votes and Proceedings | of the | Lower House of Assembly | of the | Province of
Maryland.] (13 April-6 May, 1761.) [Colophon:] Annapolis: Printed by Jonas Green,
Printer to the Province, 1761.|
4to. Kk-Ss2, [Tt]1; 19 leaves; pp. [1271-163, [164]: text with head-piece, heading as above, session heading of
six lines and running heads.
Leaf measures: I0 1/4 x 7 5/8 inches. Type page, p. 128: 197 x 144 mm.
See note to No. 228, a title which is sometimes found bound with the V. & P. here described. With the above
item is concluded the pagination and signature sequence begun with V. & P. of Oct. 1758. There were no Acts
passed at this convention of Assembly.
MdHS. MDioc. (lacks last leaf) MDSL. Pleasants, (dup.)
232. The | Maryland | Almanack,] for the Year of our Lord,| 1762,| Being the Second after |
Bissextile or Leap-Year. | And from the Creation of the World, according to the | best of
Profane History, 5711 | But by the East and Greek Christians, 7270 | By the Jews, He-
brews, and Rabbins, 5522 | And by the Account of Holy Scriptures, 5771 | Since the Dis-
covery of America, 270 | Wherein is contained | the Motions of the Sun and Moon; the
true Places and | Aspects of the Planets, and Rising and Setting of the | Sun and Moon.|
Likewise | The Lunations, Conjunctions, Eclipses, Judgment | of the Weather, Rising and
Setting of the Planets;| Rising, Setting, and Southing, of the Seven Stars :| Together with
the Courts of Maryland, Pennsyl-| vania, and Virginia; Description of the Roads;| and
several other useful and entertaining Particulars.| Calculated for the Latitude of Thirty-
nine Degrees,| and a Meridian of Five Hours West from London; but | will very well serve
any of the neighboring Colonies.| Annapolis:| Printed and Sold by Jonas Green.| [1761].
Price Eight Coppers, single. |
I2mo. A4, B2, C4, apparently; actually is A-B4, C2, (see note below) 10 leaves; pages unnumbered.
Leaf measures: 6| x 4 15/16 inches. Type page, p. 2, including borders: 147 x 81 mm.
Advertised in Maryland Gazette for Dec. 24, 1761 as "Lately Published." The leaves in this copy are loose
enough to render possible a careful examination of the gatherings which compose the book. These are seen to be
as follows:
A4, B4, C2, the two leaves of signature "C" being quired between the first two and last two leaves of signature
"B", so that an examination of a bound copy would lead one to read A4, B2, C4.