A History of Printing in Colonial Maryland
*Sm. 4to. V-Z2, Aa-Cc2; 14 leaves; pages [771-103, [104]; pp. [771-103: text, with head-piece, heading as above
and session heading of six lines; p. 103: colophon.
Leaf measures: 8 1/2 x 6 11/16 inches. Type page, p. 78:177 x 142 mm.
Page 103 has a notice beneath the colophon announcing that "The Three Bills" ordered printed by the House
this Session were in the press. See No. 221. Pagination and signatures of V. & P. continuous since Oct. 1758.
225. —Votes and Proceedings | of the | Lower House of Assembly | of the 1 Province of
Maryland.| (26 September-15 October, 1760.) [Colophon:] Annapolis:| Printed by Jonas
Green, Printer to the Province. MDCCLX.|
4to. Dd-Hh2, li1; 11 leaves; pages [1051-125, [126]: pp. [1051-125: text, with head-piece, heading as above,
session heading of six lines and running heads; p. 125: colophon; leaf lia, doubtless blank, lacking in known
copies, and not accounted for in pagination of the series. See collation of No. 231.
Leaf measures: I0 1/3 x 7 3/4 inches. Type page, p. 106:187 x 144 mm.
Pagination and signatures of V. & P. continuous since Oct. 1758.
MDSL. MdHS. (Calvert Papers, 808.)
126. [The Maryland Almanack, for the Year of our Lord, 1761. Being the First after Bissex-
tile or Leap-Year. Wherein is contained The Motions of the Sun and Moon; the true Places
and Aspects of the Planets, and Rising and Setting of the Sun and Moon. Likewise The
Lunations, Conjunctions, Eclipses, Judgment of the Weather, Rising and Setting of the
Planets; Rising, Setting, and Southing, of the Seven Stars: Together with the Courts of
Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia; Description of the Roads; an excellent Receipt
for the Cure of the Dysentery or Bloody-Flux, taken from the Edinburgh Medical Essays;
and several other useful and entertaining Particulars. Calculated for the Latitude of
Thirty-nine Degrees, and a Meridian of Five Hours West from London; but will very well
serve any of the neighboring Colonies. Annapolis: Printed by Jonas Green. 1760.]
No copy recorded. Advertised in Maryland Gazette for Dec. 24,1760 as "Just Published."
227. The | Maryland Gazette,) Containing the freshest advices foreign and domestic.] (Jan.
3-Dec. 24, 1760, Nos. 765-816.) [Beginning with Oct. 23d, No. 807, title changes from
"freshest" to "latest advices." Colophon, 765-815 as follows:] Annapolis: Printed by Jonas
Green, and William Rind, at the Printing-) Office, the Sign of the Bible, in Charles-street;
where all Persons may be supplied with this | Gazette, at 12 s. 6 d. per Year. Advertise-
ments of a moderate length are taken in and inserted | for Five Shillings the first Week,
and One Shilling each Week after, and in Proportion for long Ones. | [Colophon to Numb.
816:] Annapolis: Printed by Jonas Green, and William Rind.|
141/4 x 9 inches; 2 leaves each number, except Nos. 767 and 768, which have one only; three columns.
Nos. 795 and 796 each have "Supplement" of one leaf.
MdHS. (one complete copy and an imperfect duplicate.) MDSL. (complete.) For location of scattered
issues, see Brigham, American Newspapers.
228. MARYLAND, PROVINCE OF. By his Excellency | the Governor | and | Council,) 10th
July, I76i.| [Colophon:] Annapolis: Printed by Jonas Green,Printer to the Province. 1761.|
4to. A-B2; 4 leaves; pp. [i]-8: text, with head-piece and heading as above; p. 8: colophon.
Leaf measures: 10 1/3 x 75/8 inches. Type page, p. 2:187 x 143 mm.
The Lower House having neglected the Governor's request to include in their journal the record of proceed-
ings undertaken to recover for the public the money due from Mr. Darnall, late Naval Officer of Patuxent, "It
is therefore Ordered, that Mr. Green Print and Publish them, and that he deliver a Copy thereof, with every
Copy that he shall deliver of the Journal of the Proceedings in the Lower House during the late Convention."
Sec p. [i], above pamphlet.