A History of Printing in Colonial Maryland
MARYLAND, PROVINCE OF. (There were no acts passed at the convention of Assembly
of May 3-23, 1738, nor was the printing of the V. & P. provided for by the customary reso-
lution. Although Jonas Green was in Annapolis in this year and employed by the Govern-
ment (see Chapter Seven of the preceding narrative), no imprint of this year has been re-
corded bearing his name.)
94. MARYLAND, PROVINCE OF. A | Collection | of the Governor's several | Speeches,! and
the | Addresses of each House;| Together with several | Messages and Answers thereto,!
which Passed between each House,| at a Convention of an Assembly, begun the First of
May, 1739.) To which is added,| the Copy of an Order of Council, made | on Occasion of
some Members being stiled, and Acting j after the Prorogation of the Assembly, as a Com-)
mittee of the House of Delegates.| [Baltimore arms] Maryland:! Printed and Sold by Jonas
Green. 1739.|
Sm. fol. [A]1, B-K2, L4, M-X2; 43 leaves; pages [i-ii], [i]-80, (should be 84, pagination runs: 37, xxxviii, xxxix,
xl, xli, 38, 39, 40, 41); p. Bl: title; pp. [1]-72 (76]: text of speeches and replies to and from Governor Ogle, with
heading, head and tail pieces; pp. 73-80 [77-84]: text, with heading, At a Council,] Held in the Council Chamber,|
On Wednesday the First Day of August, Anno Domini, 1739.|, with head and tail pieces.
Leaf measures: 11 3/8 x 7 inches. Type page, p. 3: 236 x 138 mm.
"At a Council," etc. pp. 73-80 [77-84], was reprinted with other matters in the following year. See below, No.
100. The "Collection" was not printed until after Aug. I, 1739, the date of the Council record included in its
MDSL. LC. (title-page defective).
95. —A | Journal | of the | Votes | and | Proceedings | of the | Lower House of Assembly |
of the | Province of Maryland, | at their Session begun May I. 1739.| (-12 June 1739.)
[Baltimore arms] Annapolis: Printed and Sold by Jonas Green. 1739.|
Sm. 4to. Issued in unnumbered parts with continuous paging and signatures; p. [i]: title, serving as general
title for series until new pagination was begun in Sept. 1742; pp. [3]- 197, [198]: text as follows:
[No. 1): A3, B4, C1, DVpp. [3]-22; [No. 2]: E4, P,-pp. 23-134]; [No. 3]: G4, H2, IVpp. 35-48; [No. 4]: K4, L4,
MVpp. 49-68; [No. 5]: N4,-pp. 69-76; [No. 6]: O4, P3, Q-Z4, Aa-Ee4, Ff2,- pp. 77-197, [198]. [Colophons of sepa-
rate numbers read:] Annapolis: Printed and Sold by J. Green. 1739.|
Leaf measures: 8 J x 6 J inches. Type page, p. 4:189 x 139 mm.
On May 3, 1739, the Lower House "Resolved, that the Votes and Proceedings of this House this Session be
Printed: Mr. Jonas Green allowed to Print them; and Ordered, that he be Mowed Twelve Shillings per Day for
so doing, and that he have them finished every Monday and Thursday." The accumulated edition described
above was late in attaining publication, as appears from the following note on p. 197: "The foregoing Votes and
Proceedings, &c. would have been Published a considerable Time Since, had not Sickness, with which myself
(and Family) have lately been afflicted, prevented it; which is the only Reason that has kept them so long from
the Publick. Sept. 20. J. Green." This note may refer only to the last section [No. 6], pp. 77-1198]. The earlier
numbers probably were issued throughout the session as prescribed, and accumulated and issued by the printer
with the general title-page given above at the time of publication of the last section, [No. 6J.
There were no Acts passed at this convention of Assembly.
MDSL. NYPL. MdHS. (lacks title page).
96. —To his Excellency | Samuel Ogle, Esq;| Governor and Commander in Chief in and
over the Province of | Maryland: | The humble Address of the | Upper House of Assembly.|
May it please your Excellency,| ..... [Address and his Excellency's answer]. Annapolis:
Printed and Sold by J. Green. 1739.]
Single leaf, printed both sides, head-piece.