Maryland Imprints of the Colonial Period, 1689-1776
&c.| Annoque Domini 1735.] [Baltimore arms] By Authority. | Printed by William Parks,
and Sold at his Printing-1 Office in Annapolis. M,DCC,XXXVI.|
Fol. [A]1, B-G2, H1; 14 leaves; pages [i-ii], 1-26; p. [i]: title; pp. 1-25: text, without heading; p. 25: titles of
three private laws; pp. 25-26: contents, tail-piece.
Leaf measures: I2f x 8| inches. Type page, p. 2: 253 x 144 mm.
The dates of this session were March 19, 1735/36-April 10, 1736. Although the printing of the V. & P. was
ordered, no copy for this Session has been recorded.
In Archives of Maryland, v. 40, is to be read the story of Parks's neglect to print on time the laws passed in
the Session of April 2O-May 6, 1736, and in the Acts for the Session of April 26-May 28, 1737 appears the Act
by which it was attempted to render negligence on the part of the printer less likely to occur in the future. It
appears from the proceedings of the Lower House, May 27, 1737, that although too late to avoid criticism, Parks
had finally printed the laws of the previous session. Copies of this set of session laws (April 20-May 6, 1736) have
often been regarded as non-existent, but the truth is that they were published with a misleading title-page; that
is, although no laws received the governor's signature at the first convention of this Assembly (Mch. 19, 1735
/36-April 10, 1736), those which passed the houses at this convention were signed at the close of the session of
April 20-May 6, 1736 and together with the laws properly belonging to the last named session were published by
Parks with the title as given above, as being the laws of the session beginning March 19, 1735/36. As the ses-
sion beginning April 20, 1736 was by prorogation from the earlier convention, it is likely that technically this
title was correct, but the procedure was unusual, and it has resulted in a general belief that the laws of the ses-
sion of April 2O-May 6, 1736 were not printed.
(The printing of the V. & P. for the Session of April 20-May 6, 1736 was ordered, but no copy of the volume
has been recorded.)
91. MARYLAND, PROVINCE OF. Laws of Maryland,! enacted | at a Session of Assembly, | be-
gun and held at the City of Annapolis,| on Tuesday, the Twenty Sixth Day of April, in the |
Twenty Second Year of the Dominion of the Right | Honourable Charles, Lord Baron of
Balti-| more, Absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Provinces | of Maryland and Avalon,
&c. Annoq; Domini 1737. | [Baltimore arms] By Authority.] Printed by William Parks,
and Sold at his Printing-| Office in Annapolis. M,DCC,XXXVII.|
Fol. [A]1, B-E2; 9 leaves; pages [i-ii], 1-15, [16]; p. [1]: title; pp. 1-15: text, without heading; p. [16]: contents.
Leaf measures: 12 5/16 x 7 1/2 inches. Type page, p. 3: 256 x 144 mm.
92. —Laws of Maryland, | enacted | at a Session of Assembly, begun and | holden at the
City of Annapolis,! on Thursday, the Eleventh Day of August, in | the Twenty Second
Year of the Dominion | of the Right Honourable Charles,) Lord Baron of Baltimore, Abso-
lute Lord | and Proprietary of the Provinces of Ma-| ryland and Avalon, &c. Annoque
Domi-| ni 1737.] [Type device] By Authority.| Annapolis:| Printed and Sold by William
Fol. [A]1, B-C2; 5 leaves; pages [i-ii], 1-8; p. [i]: title; pp. 1-8: text, without heading; p. 8: contents.
Leaf measures: 12 x 7 J inches. Type page, p. 2: 250 x 145 mm.
The dates of this session were Aug. 11-16, 1737. The printing of the V. & P. was not provided for by the cus-
tomary resolution.
93. —Votes and Proceedings | of the | Lower House of Assembly of the Province of | Mary-
land.] (26 April, 1737, prorogued from 6 May, i736,-28 May, 1737.) [Annapolis: Printed
by William Parks. 1737.]
Sm. fol. A-C2, C2, E-F2, only ("C" repeated, "D" omitted); 12 leaves; pages 1-24+: text, with heading as
above and session heading of eight lines; concludes with proceedings of May 26, 1737.
Leaf measures: 11^x7 inches. Type page, p. 2: 237 x 131 mm.
MDSL. (imp.)