A History of Printing in Colonial Maryland
Excellent Majesty, of which I am very desirous to have the Venerable Society's approbation ..." (Perry, Col-
lections, v. 4). Whether he had the "Case" and the petition printed in England, or whether he had it printed in
Annapolis on his return to Maryland in 1730 is not dear, but the general appearance of the pamphlet and the
probabilities point to the Parks establishment as its place of origin. The political situation which brought it forth
may be studied in Perry, Collections, v. 4, and in Hawks, Francis L. Contributions to the Ecclesiastical History of
the United States of America, v. 2, (Maryland).
Another important source in the study of this controversy is:
The | Rev. Mr. Jacob Henderson's | fifth | Letter | to | Daniel Dulany, Esq;| in Relation to the | Case and
Petition | of the j Clergy of Maryland.| [Philadelphia] ? Printed for the Author in the Year MDCCXXXII.| 4to. pp.
[i-ii], 1-41, [42!, in the New York Historical Society.
A part of this pamphlet, the Dr. Wildfire vs. Th. Extinguisher letters, first appeared in the American Weekly
Mercury (Phila.) for April 6 and 13, 1732. Additional material is to be found in this paper and in the Pennsyl-
vania Gazette during the spring of 1731/32. An important source also of original documents concerning the "case"
is Calvert Papers, No. 295 1/2, Ms. in Maryland Historical Society. For an account of "Mr. Commissary Hender-
son", see article by Allen, Ethan, D. D, in Sprague, Annals (Efts.) pp. 34-38. Jacob Henderson died Aug. 21,
1751, leaving his property, or a large part of it to the S. P. G. (Maryland Gazette, Aug. 27, 1751.) The Classified
Digest of the Records of the S. P. G. Lond. 1893, p. 851, says that the amount of the legacy was £1,000.
A generation later the controversy over the "Two-penny Act" provided in Virginia a condition of affairs
analogous to that which arose in Maryland at this time as the result of the "Tobacco Act" of 1728. See the Rev.
John Camm's pamphlet, No. 243 of this bibliography.
62. MARYLAND, PROVINCE OF. Laws of Maryland,] enacted | at a Session of Assembly,]
begun and held at the City | of Annapolis, on Thursday, the | Twenty First day of May,
in | the Sixteenth Year of the Do-| minion of the Right Honourable | Charles, Lord Baron
of Bal-| temore, Absolute Lord and Pro-| prietary of the Provinces of Ma-| ryland and
Avalon, &c. Annoq;| Domini 1730. | [Baltimore arms] By Authority.| Annapolis:| Printed
and Sold by William Parks. M,DCC,XXX. Price | Two Shillings, to those who bought the
whole Body of Laws, and | Two Shillings Six Pence to others. |
Sm. fol. [A]1, B2, B-L2, M1, (Sign. B repeated); 24 leaves; pages [i-ii], 1-[46]; p. [i]: title; pp. 1-45: text, with
heading; p. [46]: titles of private laws, etc.
Leaf measures: 11 7/16 x 7 1/4 inches. Type page, p. 2: 252 x 137 mm.
Advertised as "lately published" in Maryland Gazette for Oct. 20, 1730.
MdHS. MDioc (imp.) BBL. (imp.) MDSL. LC. NYBA. NYSL. HU. HLS. BM.
63. —[The New Tobacco Law, Made this Present Session of Assembly. Printed and sold
by William Parks in Annapolis. 1730,]
No copy recorded. Evans, No. 3299, gives title and imprint as above, exactly as the work was advertised in
the Maryland Gazette for June 16, 1730. The actual title of the act is long and begins: "An Act for Improving the
Staple of Tobacco .....", (Archives of Maryland, 37: 138-151). It is probable that Parks published it under its
formal title and not as given in the entry above.
64. —The | Speech | of his Excellency | Benedict Leonard Calvert,] Governour and Com-
mander in Chief, in and | over the Province of Maryland, to | both Houses of Assembly: at
a Session of | Assembly, begun and held at the City | of Annapolis, on Thursday the
Twenty | First Day of May, in the Sixteenth Year of | the Dominion of the Right Hon.
Charles,) Lord Baron of Baltemore, Absolute Lord and | Proprietary of the Provinces of
Maryland and | Avalon &c. Annoq; Domini 1730.] [Baltimore arms] By Authority.) An-
napolis: Printed by William Parks, M.DCC.XXX.)
Fol 4 leaves, without signature; pages unnumbered; p. [1]: title; pp. [3-4]: "The Speech of His Excellency",
etc., with head and tail pieces; pp. [5-6]: address of the Lower House to the Governor; pp. [7-8]: address of the
Upper House to the Governor.
Leaf measures: 12 1/4 x 7 1/2 inches. Type page, p. 3, including head-piece: 243 x 132 mm.