Maryland Imprints of the Colonial Period, 1689-1776
57. [The Primer or Catechism, set forth agreeable to the Book of Common-Prayer: Author-
ized by the King, to be used throughout his Dominions. Containing Godly Prayers and
Graces. Annapolis: Printed by William Parks. 1729.]?
No copy recorded. Advertised as "just publish'd" in Maryland Gazette, July I, 1729. See notes to Nos. 56
and 59.
58. [WARNER, JOHN. The Virginia and Maryland Almanack. Shewing the Times of Sun-
Rising and Setting, Length of Days, New and Full Moon, Eclipses, Fixt and Moveable
Feasts, Seven Stars Rising and Setting, Weather, Days of the several Courts, &c. For the
Year of our Lord Christ, 1730. By J. Warner, Philomath. Annapolis: Printed by William
Parks. 1729. Price 6 d. or 4 s. per Dozen.]
No copy recorded. Advertised in Parks's Maryland Gazette for Oct. 21-28, 1729, as "Just Published."
59. [The Weeks Preparation, towards a worthy receiving of the Lord's Supper, after the
warning of the Church for the celebration of the Holy Communion....... (Also) The
Church of England-Man's Private Devotions ..... (Also another book, entitled) an Ex-
planation of the Feasts and Fasts as they are observed in the Church of England, .....
Printed on a good letter and Paper; and all Three bound up together, and Sold by W.
Parks, Printer, in Annapolis, Price 2 s. 6 d. And considerable allowance to those that buy
a Quantity.] ?
Advertised in Maryland Gazette, May 6, 1729, as "This week will be published"; and afterwards as "Lately
published", but the advertisement does not state specifically that Parks had reprinted these old favorites. It is
probable that he imported them in sheets and bound them for local sale; indeed "The Weeks Preparation" and
"Primers," see Nos. 56 and 57, are advertised in the Maryland Gazette for Oct. 20, 1730, as among his late im-
60. C., E., GENT. (CooKE, EBENEZER)? Sotweed Redivivus:| Or the Planters | Looking-
Glass.| In Burlesque Verse.| Calculated for the Meridian of | Maryland.| By E. C. Gent.|
[One line from Juvenal.] Annapolis:| Printed by William Parks, for the Author.] M,DCC,
Sm. 410. A-I2; 18 leaves; pages [i]-viii, [i]-28; p. [1]: title; p. [in]: "The Preface to the Reader", with head-
piece, and at end, "Vale."; pp. [iv]-viii: "To the Generous Subscribers, &c.", with head and tail pieces and run-
ning head; pp. [1]-28: text, with head-piece and heading, "The Looking-Glass", in three cantos, tail-piece; p. 28:
Leaf measures: 8x 6 1/2 inches. Type page, p. 2, height: 145 mm.
Reprinted in Early Maryland Poetry, (Maryland Historical Society Fund Publication, No. 36, Baltimore.
1900) ed. by Bernard C. Steiner, with notes and photographic reproduction of the title-page.
61. HENDERSON, Jacob. The | Case | of the | Clergy of Maryland-! [Annapolis: Printed by
William Parks. 1730]?
4to. A, 4 leaves; pages 1-8; pp. 1-6: text of "Case"; pp. 6-8: "To the King's Most Excellent Majesty, The
Petition of Jacob Henderson, Clerk, Rector of Queen Anne's Parish, in Prince George's County, in Maryland,
in behalf of the Clergy of the said Province"; p. 8: "Finis".
Leaf measures: 9 1/16 x 7 1/8 inches. Type page, p. 2: 191 x 119 mm.
"The Case of the Clergy of Maryland", was a protest against the "Act for Improving the Staple of Tobacco",
(Act of Oct. 3, 1728, Archives of Maryland, 36: 275), by the terms of which a fourth of the "40 per poll" was taken
away from the clergy. The Rev. Jacob Henderson was sent to England to present the "Case" to Lord Baltimore
and the King, and while there he drew up the "Petition" attached to the printed case as noted above, or at least
one assumes this to be so from the following assertion in a letter from him to the S. P. G. dated London, Sept.
18, 1729: "The case at large I have by the advice of our Rt Rev'd Diocesan drawn up in a petition to his most