Maryland Imprints of the Colonial Period, 1689-1776
42. DULANY, DANIEL, the Elder. The | Right | of thf [sic] \ Inhabitants of Maryland,) to thf
[sic] | Benefit of the English Laws.| [Four lines of Cato, translated; type device.] Annapolis:
Printed by W. Parks. MDCCXXVIII.|
Sm. 4to. [A]-I2, (B, repeated; C, omitted); 18 leaves; pages [1-2], 3-4, 1-31, [32]; p. [i]: title; pp. 3-4: To all
true Patriots, and sincere | Lovers of Liberty.), signed, "D. Dulany"; head-piece; pp. 1-31, second series: text,
with head-piece and heading worded as in title, tail-piece.
Leaf measures: 8 3/16 x 63 5/16 inches. Type page, p. 3, second series: 162 x 117 mm.
Advertised as "lately published" in Maryland Gazette, Dec. 17, 1728. Price 2 s. Reprinted with a full discus-
sion in Sioussat, St. G. L., The English Statutes in Maryland, (J. H. U. Studies in Historical and Political Science,
Series XXI, Nos. 11-12, Balto. 1903). See also in same series and by the same author, Nos. 6-7, Economics and
Politics in Maryland, 1720-1750, and thf Public Services of Daniel Dulany, the Elder,)
MdHS. (Calvert Papers, 294).
43. HOLDSWORTH, EDWARD. Muscipula,| sive I Kambpomyomaxia.] Authore E. Holds-
worth,] E Coll. Magd. Oxon.| [Space left between rules for quotation is blank, except for
words, "OMHPOY BATPAXOM", in Roman capitals in lower right hand corner.] An-
napoli:| Impensis R. L. Typis W. P. M.DCC.XXVIII.| [Second title:] The | Mouse-Trap,!
or the | Battle of the Cambrians | and Mice.| A Poem.| Translated into English,! By R.
Lewis.| [Four lines translated from Homer's "Battle of the Frogs and Mice", and four
lines from Roscommon, "Ess. Trans. Verse".] Annapolis:| Printed for the Author, by
W. Parks. M.DCC.XXVIII.|
Sm. 8vo. [a]2, b4, e2, [A]4, (B, omitted) C-G4, H2; 34 leaves; pages [i-iv], v-xvi, [i]~52; p. [1]: blank,-verso: first
title as above; p. [in]: second title as above,-verso blank; pp. v-ix: "To His Excellency Benedict Leonard Cal-
vert, ...", (poetical dedication, with head and tail pieces); pp. x-xiii: "The Preface", with head and tail pieces;
pp. xiv-xvi: "A List of the Subscribers Names", with head-piece; p. [1]: blank; p. 2: Muscipula,| sive | Kambpo-
myomaxia. |, as heading of Latin text, with head-piece; p. 3: The Mouse-Trap,| or the | Battle (a) of the Cam-
brians | and Mice, j, as heading of English text, with head-piece; pp. 2-41: text of poem in Latin and English,
Latin on verso, English on recto of pages throughout; pp. 40 and 41: "Finis", and tail-piece, "The End", and
tail-piece, respectively; pp. 42-52: "Notes to the foregoing Piece", with head and tail pieces; running heads to
each section except "Notes."
Leaf measures, p. vii: 6 7/8 x 4 3/16 inches. Type page, p. xi: 135 x 80 mm.
Reprinted by Bernard C. Steiner in Early Maryland Poetry, (Maryland Historical Society Fund Publica-
tions No. 36, Baltimore. 1900). For information concerning the poem and its translator and contemporary refer-
ences to this edition see Chapter Six of the foregoing narrative. Copy in MdHS. lacks both title-pages which have
been supplied by photostat from the copy in LC., which has pages 3-6 mutilated and supplied by photostat
copies of these pages in the MdHS. copy. Both title-pages of this choice volume are printed in red and black, the
only example known to the compiler of a rubricated title-page from a colonial Maryland press. See Plate IV for a
photographic reproduction of these title-pages.
LEWIS, RICHARD, translator, see above, No. 43.
44. MARYLAND, PROVINCE OF. Laws of Maryland,|-enacted | at a Session of Assembly,| be-
gun and held at the City of | Annapolis, on Thursday the Third | Day of October, in the
Four-| teenth Year of the Dominion of | the Right Hon. Charles,| Lord Baron of Balte-
more, Abso-| lute Lord and Proprietary of the | Provinces of Maryland and Ava-| lon, &c.
Annoq; Domini 1728,] [ Baltimore arms] By Authority.] Annapolis:| Printed and Sold by
William Parks, MDCCXXVIII. Price Two Shil-| lings, to those who bought the whole Body
of Laws, and Two | Shillings Six Pence to others.]
Sm. fol. [A]1, B-G2, H1, H2; 16 leaves; pages [i-ii], 1-28 [30], wrongly numbered 1-28; p. [i]: title; pp. 1-28 [30]:
text, with heading; p. 28 [30]: "Advertisement", (notice of acts repealed, list of useful blanks to be had of printer,
Leaf measures: 11 7/16 x 7 1/4 inches. Type page, p. 2: 262 x 137 mm.