A History of Printing in Colonial Maryland
Known in Bacon's day as the "Old Body of Laws." See foregoing narrative, Chapter Six.
Copies in many libraries, as for example:
39. —Laws of Maryland,! enacted | at a Session of Assembly, begun and held | at the City
of Annapolis, on Thursday, the | Tenth Day of October, in the Thirteenth Year | of the
Dominion of the Right honourable | Charles, Lord Baron of Baltemore,! Absolute Lord
and Proprietary of the Provin-| ces of Maryland and Avalon, &c. Annoq;| Domini 1727.|
To which are added,| Some Laws that were omitted to be Collected | in the bound Volume.
As also the Speech | of his Excellency the Governeur, and the | Addresses of both Houses,
and the Answers | thereto, at the Opening this Session.] [Baltimore arms] By Authority.]
Annapolis:| Printed and Sold by W. Parks. MDCCXXVII. Price Two Shillings.)
Sm. fol. 1 preliminary leaf, A-G2; 15 leaves; pages [i-ii], 1-32 [28], pp. 17 to 28 wrongly numbered 21 to 32; p.
[i]: title; pp. 1-4: "The Speech of His Excellency ... to both Houses ...", with tail-piece; pp. 5-29 [25]: text of
Acts of Oct. 1727, with session heading and running heads; p. 29 [25]: resolution regarding prisoners for debt; pp.
30-32 [26-28]: "The following laws, made in October Assembly 1722, being omitted to be collected in the last
Volume, are thought proper to be added hereto"; p. 32 [28]: "Advertisement".
Leaf measures: 11 9/16 x 7 1/3 inches. Type page, p. 2:240 x 127 mm.
Session lasted from Oct. 10-30,1727. In the Addenda to this bibliography are given title-page transcript and
description of a later issue of this book in which various errors were corrected.
40. —Proceedings of Assembly,! of the Province of | Maryland,| Containing | the Speeches
of the Right Honourable the Lord | Proprietor, His Honour the Governour, &c. With | the
Addresses and Answers thereto. Also several | Messages, Debates, and other material Pro-
ceedings | of the Three last Sessions of Assembly.| [Baltimore arms] Collected (by Order of
the Honourable the Lower-House of Assembly) by John | Beale, and Vachel Denton,
Esqrs. And Publish'd by Order of the same House.| Annapolis:| Printed by William Parks,
Printer to the Right Honourable the Lord \ Proprietor, and the Province. 1727.]
Sm. fol. [A]1, B-I2, [K]1; ([A] is probably imposed as second leaf of [K]); 18 leaves; pages [i-ii], 1-33, [34]; p.
(i]: title; pp. 1-33: text, with heading, The | Speech | of | the Right Honourable Charles, Absolute Lord | and
Proprietor of the Provinces of Maryland and | Avalon, Lord Baron of Baltimore; and of His | Honour Charles
Calvert, Esq; Governor | of Maryland; to the Members of the Upper | and Lower Houses of Assembly; with
their Ad-| dresses, by way of Answer thereto. Together | with the Debates and Proceedings of the Upper | and
Lower Houses of Assembly, in the Years | 1725 and 1726, relating to the Government, | Constitution and Judica-
ture of that Province.|; (the several sections are headed as follows:) pp. 1-25: "In October Assembly, 1725"; pp.
26-30: "In March Assembly, 1725 [1725/26]"; pp. 31-33: "In July Assembly, 1726"; p. 33: tail-piece.
Leaf measures: 11 3/16 x 7 inches. Type page, p. 2: 243 x 138 mm.
Contains Lower House proceedings on the subjects named of sessions of Oct. 1725, March 1725/26 and July
1726, and is a continuation of the "Debates and Proceedings" on the English statutes published with the "Char-
ter" in 1725. Its history is discussed in Chapter Six of the foregoing narrative. See Nos. 33 and 42.
41. [The Maryland Gazette. Sept. 12-Dec. 26, 1727, Nos. 1-16. Annapolis: Printed by
William Parks.]
No copies recorded. The first issue of this newspaper which has been located is that of Dec. 10,1728, No. 65,
a date and number which would make the date of No. i, assuming that there had been no interruptions, Sept.
12,1727. Brigham, American Newspapers, calls attention to a news item in the American Weekly Mercury (Phil-
adelphia) of Sept. 28,1727, dated Annapolis, Sept. 16,1727, and refers to occasional quotations from the Annap-
olis paper in 1727 and 1728. Mr. Brigham's note on Parks's Maryland Gazette is an excellent summary of the his-
tory of this early newspaper, the seventh to attain regular publication in the colonies. The substance of it, with
some additional matter, appears in this bibliography under the above title for the years 1728-1734.