A History of Printing in Colonial Maryland
Fol. If2, a-b2, A-Z2, Aa-Zz2, Aaa-Iii2; 116 leaves; pages [i-xii], 1-220; p. [i]: title; pp. [iii-iv]: "The Publisher
to the Reader", signed, "Evan Jones"; pp. [v-xi]: "An Index to the following collection of Laws"; pp. 1-218: text
of laws of Maryland from 1692 to 1718; pp. 218-220: one law of May 1705; pp. 17,20 and 125 wrongly numbered.
Leaf measures: 12 J x 7! inches. Type page, p. 2: 261 x 140 mm.
Hildeburn, No. 150. See foregoing narrative, Chapter Four.
24. MARYLAND, PROVINCE OF. His Excellency's | Speech,! to | the Upper and Lower-
Houses of Assembly | of | Maryland.] [Philadelphia: Printed by Andrew Bradford. 1719.]
Fol. A-B2, [C]1, 5 leaves; pp. 1-10: text, with heading as above and ornamental initial; contains also addresses
of both houses to the Governor.
Leaf measures: I2| x 7} inches. Type page, p. 2: 247 x 155 mm.
Address delivered at session of May i4-June 6, 1719. For authority to print see L. H. J. June 5, 1719. It was
issued probably as part of the laws of this session, but its separate pagination and signature sequence entitle it to
individual entry, especially as it is not accounted for in the contents of the volume of session laws with which it
was issued. It is not recorded in Hildeburn. See below, No. 25.
25. —The | Laws | of the | Province | of | Maryland,! at I a Sessions of | Assembly,! begun
and held at the City of Annapolis the | Fourteenth Day of May, in the Fourth Year of the
Dominion | of the Right Honourable Charles Lord Baron | of Baltemore, Absolute Lord
and Proprietary of the | Province [sic] of Maryland and Avalon &c. Annoq; | Domini One
Thousand Seven Hundred | and Nineteen.| The following laws were enacted. | Philadel-
phia,! Printed by Andrew Bradford, and are to be Sold by Evan Jones at the City of | An-
napolis in Maryland, 1719.]
Fol. I preliminary leaf, Kkk-Qqq2; 15 leaves; preliminary leaf: title as above, verso: "The Contents"; pp.
221-248: text, with session heading; p. 228 wrongly numbered; p. 248: "Finis".
Leaf measures: I2| x y| inches. Type page, p. 222: 245 x 156 mm.
For authority to print, see L. H. J. June 5, 1719. In both this book and in the collected laws printed by Brad-
ford in 1718, there occurs on the second leaf of each gathering the signature symbol of that gathering followed by
the figure "3". Thus consecutive leaves read: A, A8, B, B8, etc. The signatures and pagination of this work are in
continuation of the signatures and pagination of the collected laws of 1718. The work is not mentioned in Hilde-
burn. See above, No. 23.
The two known copies seem to have been issued with "His Excellency's Speech," delivered at this session,
bound between the first and second leaves, but as the pagination and signature sequence of the "Speech" are
separate and as the Contents docs not take account of it, the "Speech" has been given individual entry above,
No. 24.
26. [MARYLAND, PROVINCE OF. The Laws of the Province of Maryland, made and passed
at a Session of Assembly begun and held at the City of Annapolis, on the fifth day of April,
Anno Domini 1720. Annapolis: Printed by John Peter Zenger. 1720.]
No copy known. For authorization to print, see L. H. J. April 12, 1720. For evidence that the printing was
done, see L. H. J. Oct. 27, 1720: "Resolved that the Printer be Allowed five hundred pounds of tobacco for the
Printing the Laws for the Counties &c.... as last Sessions,...", [i. e. session of April, 1720.]
27. —[Acts of a session of Assembly begun and held at the City of Annapolis, on the elev-
enth day of October, Anno Domini 1720. Annapolis: Printed by John Peter Zenger. 1720.]
No copy known. For authorization to print, see L. H. J. Oct. 27, 1720. For evidence that the printing was
done, see L. H. J. Aug. 5, 1721: "Resolved that John Peter Zenger print the Body of Laws this Sessions as