Maryland Imprints of the Colonial Period, 1689-1776
18. —[Acts of the Province of Maryland made and passed at a Session of Assembly begun
and held at the City of Annapolis on the twenty-sixth day of March, 1707. Annapolis:
Printed by Thomas Reading. 1707.]
No copy recorded. See below, note to No. 19.
19. [MARYLAND, PROVINCE OF. Acts of the Province of Maryland made and passed at a
Session of Assembly begun and held at the City of Annapolis on the twenty-ninth day of
November, 1708. Annapolis: Printed by Thomas Reading. 1708.]
No copy recorded. For authorization to print the laws of the sessions from Sept. 1704 to Nov. 1708, omitting
the session of Sept. 1708 at which no laws were passed, see L. H. J. Sept. 12, 1704, April 8, 1706, April 15, 1707.
For evidence that the printing was done, see "Petition of Thomas Reading", L. H. J. Nov. 11, 1709. For full
discussion and quotation of these references, see preceding narrative, Chapter Three.
20. —His Excellency's Speech to the General Assembly. | Mr. Speaker and you Gentlemen
Delegates,| ..... [Annapolis: Printed by Thomas Reading. 1708.]
Broadside. 12 1/4 x 6 3/8 inches.
The address of his Excellency, John Seymour, delivered Nov. 29, 1708, at the session of Nov. 29-Dec. 15,
1708. See below, note to No. 21.
21. —The | Assembly's | Answer | to his | Excellency's | Speech.] December the 2d 1708.|
May it please your Excellency,| ..... Sign'd per Order Richard Dallam Clerk.|
Annapolis, Printed by Thomas Reading Anno Domini MDCCVIII.|
Broadside. 10 1/2 x 5 3/16 inches.
This is the reply delivered Dec. 2, 1708, to the Governor's address noted above in No. 20. See Archives of Mary-
land, v. 27, where the two speeches are printed in connection with the Assembly Proceedings, Nov. 29-Dec. 15,
1708, and where on p. 277, the following transaction is recorded: "By the House of Delegates 2nd December
1708. This House return your Excellency thanks for the Satisfaction you exprest to have received by our Answer
to your Excellency's Speech and are desirous to have the Speech printed if your Excellency thinks fit".
On the same day the following reply to the foregoing message was received by the House: "Gentlemen, His
Excellency will give Directions that both his Speech and your Answer thereto be forthwith printed for the better
Satisfaction of the good People of this Province."
These two broadsides, Nos. 20 and 21, appeared as item No. 452 in the catalogue of the Anderson Galleries,
No. 1546. They were sold on Jan. 11, 1921, to Dr. A. S. W. Rosenbach for $1,260. Copies were at one time in the
Maryland State Library, as appears from an incomplete list of governmental publications in that library, now
in the compiler's possession, which was made about the year 1904 by Mr. L. H. Dielman of the Peabody Insti-
tute. Mr. Dielman was at that time cataloguer in the MDSL., and his list begins with the entry of these two
broadsides. Nos. 244 and 245 of this bibliography were also on Mr. Dielman's list, but none of these items can
now be found in the Maryland State Library.
22. [MARYLAND, PROVINCE OF. Acts of the Province of Maryland made and passed at a
Session of Assembly begun and held at the City of Annapolis on the twenty-fifth day of
October, 1709. Annapolis: Printed by Thomas Reading. 1709.]
No copy recorded. For authorization to print, see L. H. J. Nov. 11, 1709. No evidence that the printing was
done appears in succeeding Lower House Journals.
23. MARYLAND, PROVINCE OF. The | Laws | of the | Province | of | Maryland,! Collected
into one | Volumn, [sic] | by Order of the Governour and Assembly of the said | Province,]
at a General Assembly begun at St. Mary's the 10th | Day of May, 1692 and continued by
several Assemblies | to the Year 1718.| Philadelphia,] Printed by Andrew Bradford, and
are to be Sold by Evan Jones at the | City of Annapolis in Maryland, 1718.|