yeas and nays are ordered to be taken, no question of ad-
journment shall be received or propounded by the Speaker,
until the yeas and nays are called, counted and reported.
Any Member may call for the Division of a Question,
wbicb sball be divided, if it comprehend propositions in sub-
stance so distinct that, one being taken away, a substantive
proposition shall remain for the decision of the House.
A Motion to Strike Out and Insert shall be deemed indi-
visible ; but the matter proposed to be inserted may be di-
vided, if required, according to the 26th Rule. A Motion to
Strike Out being lost, shall preclude neither amendment nor
a Motion to Strike Out and Insert. No Motion or Proposi-
tion on a subject different from that under consideration, shall
be admitted under color of amendment.
All Questions, except on the final passage of a bill, or a
motion to suspend the rules, or those otherwise herein pro-
vided for, shall be determined by a majority of the members
present; those dividing in the affirmative rising in their
places, those in the negative continuing in their seats, and so
vice versa, until a decision by the Speaker.
The Question on the Final Passage of a Bill shall always
be determined by yeas and nays, which shall be recorded on
the Journal; and unless it shall thus appear that a majority
of the whole number of Members elected to the House have
voted in the affirmative, the Bill shall be declared rejected.
When a Question has once been decided in the affirmative
or negative, a motion of reconsideration shall be in order, if
made by one Member and seconded by two others who voted
in the majority, within three days of actual session, after the
decision ; but should a Bill, on its final passage, be declared
rejected merely for the want of a constitutional majority, the
motion for reconsideration may be made by one Member and
seconded by two others who voted in either the affirmative or
negative; and no motion for reconsideration shall be post-
poned or laid on the table.
Petitions, Memorials and other Papers addressed to the