proceedings relating immediately thereto shall be expunged
from the Journal.
Whilst the Speaker is putting any question, or addressing
the House, none shall walk out or cross the House; nor in
such case, or while a Member is speaking,, shall hold private
discourse, so as to interrupt debate.
When a motion is made and seconded, it shall be stated by
the Speaker ; or being in writing, it shall be handed to the
Chair, and read aloud by the Clerk, before debate ; and every
Motion shall be reduced to writing, if the Speaker or any
Member require it.
When a Motion is made and seconded, or when a Question
is under debate, the matter shall receive a determination by
the Question ; or it may be postponed by a motion to adjourn,
to lie on the table, for the previous question, to postpone to
a day certain, to commit or amend, to postpone indefinately—
which several motions shall have precedence in the order in
which they are arranged. A motion to strike out the enact-
ing words of a Bill, shall have precedence of a motion to
amend ; and, if carried, shall be equivalent to its rejection ;
and when a question is postponed indefinitely, the same shall
not be acted on again during the session.
The Previous Question shall be in this form, "Shall the
Main Question now be put?" It may be called for on any
question except on an amendment or other matter which can-
not in its nature be posponed; and when demanded by a
majority of the members present; it shall, until it is decided,
preclude all further amendment and debate of the main ques-
On a Motion for the Previous Question, on a Motion to
Lie on the Table, on a motion to Adjourn, there shall be no
Every Question shall be entered on the Journal, and the
yeas and nays shall be taken when required by five members
who shall have divided on the Question ; and whenever the