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Proceedings of the House, April, June and July Special Sessions, 1861
Volume 430, Page 453   View pdf image (33K)
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INDEX. 453

tions in the Sixth Election District of Prince
George's county ; read three times, and passed,


The committee on, report, that they have con-
tracted with James Wingate to prepare the Index
of the Journal of the House of Delegates, for the
extra session, adopted, 212.

Order, that the Printer to the House print 400
copies of the Laws of the extra session, to supply
Clerks, Registers and Magistrates of the counties
and Baltimore city, with one copy each, to cost
not over fifty cents, per copy, adopted, 323.

PROTEST—Of E. Pliny Bryan of Prince George's county,
against the refusal of the House to excuse him
from voting on the reports of the committee on
Federal Relations, on the petition from said coun-
ty, for the passage of a secession ordinance, 23.


QUEEN ANNE'S COUNTY—Petition of James H. Thomp-
son, to be paid for publishing Brigade Orders in
Centreville Times; referred to next General As-
sembly, 42.

Senate bill to release from the payment of in-
terest the sureties on the official bond of Samuel
L. Duhamel, collector of taxes for the First Elec-
tion District of, in 1857 ; referred to committee on
Ways and Means, 81; reported, 97; read a second
and third time by special order and passed, 104.

Leave granted to the Judiciary committee to
introduce a bill to amend Article XVII, Section
75, of the Code of Public Local Laws, relative to
the pay of the clerk of, 84.

Petition of citizens of, for the repeal of 396th


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Proceedings of the House, April, June and July Special Sessions, 1861
Volume 430, Page 453   View pdf image (33K)
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