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Proceedings of the House, April, June and July Special Sessions, 1861
Volume 430, Page 452   View pdf image (33K)
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452 INDEX.

POLICE COMMISSIONERS—Report of Board of, present-
ed, and 3000 copies ordered to be printed, 66.

Leave granted special committee to report a
bill to relieve the Mayor and Board of, of Balti-
more city, and all who acted under their authori-
ty, from prosecution for acts committed on, and
and after 19th of April, to maintain the peace of
the city, 65; reported favorably, and read a second
time, 69; amended, and read a third time, and
passed, 71.

Leave granted Baltimore city delegation to bring
in a bill to authorize the board of, for said city to
suspend the sale of liquors in said city, when the
same may be necessary for the public peace 169;
bill reported, and read a first and second time,
191; read a third time, and passed, 198; returned
from Senate passed, 255.

See Baltimore City.

PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY—Petition of 216 voters of,
praying the Legislature, if in its judgment it pos-
sess the power, to pass an ordinance of secession
without delay ; referred to committee on Federal
Relations, 19 ; unfavorable reports thereon, 21;
majority report, adopted, 22 ; protest of E. Pliny
Bryan against the refusal of the House to excuse
him from voting on said reports, 23.

Petitions of citizens of, asking the repeal of the
law appointing Commissioners to sell the State
Tobacco Warehouses ; referred to a select commit-
tee, 173, 183.

Petition of citizens of, and Anne Arundel coun-
ties for a law to authorize the Commissioners of
the two counties to levy a sum of money to build
a bridge over Patuxent river at Queen Anne's;
referred to delegation from, and Anne Arundel
counties, 195 ; bill reported, read a first, second
and third time, and passed, 209; returned from
Senate passed, 251.

Senate bill to pay Charles S. Middleton, clerk
of the Circuit Court for, for fees in certain cases ;
referred to committee on Claims, 342; reported
favorably, read three times, and passed, 343.

Senate bill to change the place of holding elec-


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Proceedings of the House, April, June and July Special Sessions, 1861
Volume 430, Page 452   View pdf image (33K)
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