388 INDEX.
ALLEGANY COUNTY—Petition of 2117 citizens of, against
the passage of the "Public Safety Bill," referred,
Leave granted delegation from, to bring in a
bill to legalize the erection of gates in, 171.
Bill reported to allow Francis Mattingly to erect
gates upon a road passing near his house to the
Catholic church near Mount Savage, read a first,
second and third time and passed, 194 ; returned
from Senate, passed, 231.
Petition of citizens of, asking the Legislature
to adjourn sine die, referred to Select Committee,
Bill reported to repeal section 226 of article 2,
of the Public Local Laws relating to weights and
measures, so far as said law applies to Washing-
ton, Frederick and Allegany counties, reada first,
second and third time by special order and passed,
233 ; returned from Senate with amendment in-
cluding Anne Arundel, Carroll and Montgomery
counties and passed, 314.
Leave granted to delegation from, to report a
bill for the relief of George L. Layman, 238 ; bill
reported to authorize Commissioners of, to pay
him for certain services as constable, read the first,
second and third time and passed, 264, returned
from the Senate passed, 224.
Petition of Jacob Eakle, for relief, referred to
Committee on the Judiciary, 389.
Leave granted the delegation from, to report a
bill for the collection of taxes in, 337 ; bill repor-
ted, read a first, second and third time and pass-
ed, 375 ; returned from Senate, passed, 381.
ALMSHOUSE—Overseer of—See Baltimore city.
ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY—Resolutions of a Public
Meeting held in Annapolis opposing the passage
of the Public Safety Bill presented and referred to
Committee on Federal Relations, 85.
Petition of citizens of Prince George's and, for
a law to authorize the Commissioners of said coun-
ties to levy a sum of money to build a bridge over
Patuxant river at Queen Anne's, referred to dele-