INDEX. 387
Joint select committee on adjournment reported
a resolution, that both Houses adjourn on June
21st to July, 30th, read a first time, 289, amend-
ment offered to adjourn sine die, rejected, 307;
amendment offered substituting June 25th, for
21st, adopted, 308, the resolution passed, 308.
Protest against said resolution offered and mo-
tion not to receive said protest, carried, 309.
Message from the Senate proposing to adjourn
to Annapolis, instead of Frederick, not concurred
In, 327.
House adjourned to July 30th, 328.
House met in accordance with resolution, 329.
Message to the Senate proposing the appoint-
ment of a joint committee on the subject of the ad-
journment, 337,
Message from Senate concurring therein, and
committee appointed, 344.
Committee reported a resolution to adjourn on
August 7th, to Sept. 17th to meet in Annapolis,
370 ; amendments made and rejected, 371, 372,
amendment to meet at Frederick adopted and res-
olution passed by ayes and noes, 373; returned
from Senate passed, 378.
House adjourned to Sept. 17th, 384.
ADJUTANT GENERAL—Order that the Governor and
Adjutant General requested to inform the House
what amount of $70,000 appropriated for the pur-
chase of arms has been expended, and in what
manner, &c., adopted, 17 ; message from Gover-
nor relating thereto, 28 ; message from Governor
enclosing communication from Adjutant General,
giving the information requested, referred to Com-
mittee on Military affairs, 94,
Order that the Adjutant General report the
names, number, and rank of all officers holding
commissions in this State, to what companies and
regiments attached, and date of their commissions,
also, the number of regiments in this State, and
the districts in which they are located, adopted,
See Committee on Military Affairs: also. Arms