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Proceedings of the House, April, June and July Special Sessions, 1861
Volume 430, Page 374   View pdf image (33K)
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Medders, Miller, Thomas,

Mackubin, Wootton, Wallis,

Briscoe, Legg, Sangston,

Ford, Starkey, Scott,

Denison, Landing, Eakle7

Quinlan, Kessler, Brining,

Renshaw, Claggett, Griffith,

Jones, of Talbot, Johnson, Gordon,

Chaplain, Salmon, Barnard,

Dennis, of Som't. Warfield, Mills,

Linthicum, Brune, Turner—39.


Parran, Morfit, McCoy,
Keene, Wilson, McCleary,
McIntire, Bayless, Roop—10.

Mr. Sangston, from a select committee, reported favorably
upon the bill entitled, an act to amend the Act of 1826.
chapter 123, entitled, an act to incorporate the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad Company;

Which was read the first time, and ordered to be printed.
Mr. Maxwell offered the following:

Ordered, That the committee on claims be directed to close
the journal of accounts up to Wednesday next inclusive, and
that no certificates be issued to any member or officers of the
Senate or House, until that period;

Which was adopted.


Ordered, That the committee on claims be directed to pay
the Isabella Gas Company, for the use of gas fixtures and
gas furnished the Senate and House of delegates at the sec-
ond and third adjourned sessions.

Which was adopted.

Mr. McCleary offered the following:

Ordered, That the committee appointed to inquire whether
Z. W. Linthicum, is entitled to a seat in this House, be di-
rected to report, at or before 12 o'clock, M., to-morrow, and
that they have leave to sit during the session of the House.


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Proceedings of the House, April, June and July Special Sessions, 1861
Volume 430, Page 374   View pdf image (33K)
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