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Proceedings of the House, April, June and July Special Sessions, 1861
Volume 430, Page 370   View pdf image (33K)
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ences demand that the suppression of their civil liberties
should not be passed over in silence; moreover, the people of
the State and your committee cherish an abiding confidence,
that the time is not far distant, when an enlightened public
opinion will be aroused in every part of this once great and
happy Republic, which will of itself rebuke the action, and
reverse the policy of the administration at Washington, and
in their judgments when that'time shall have arrived the
Legislature of this State should be ready to make suitable
provision for the restoration of its authority, and the enforce-
ment of its laws.

Tour committee are of opinion that the next General As-
sembly should be held in the Capitol of the State. They
therefore, recommend the adoption of the following resolu-

Resolved by the Senate and House of Delegates, That when
the Senate and House of Delegates adjourn Wednesday, the
Seventh of August, instant, 1861, they stand adjourned until
Tuesday, the Seventeenth of September, 1861, at 1 o'clock,
P. M., and shall then meet at the city of Annapolis.




Committee on part of the House.
Committee on part of the Senate.

Which was read the first time.
On motion of Mr. Briscoe,

The rules were suspended to give the resolution a second
reading; pending the reading,

Mr. Eakle moved to strike out "Annapolis'' and insert

Sr. Chaplain moved to lay the resolution on the table,
Which was lost.


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Proceedings of the House, April, June and July Special Sessions, 1861
Volume 430, Page 370   View pdf image (33K)
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