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Proceedings of the House, April, June and July Special Sessions, 1861
Volume 430, Page 369   View pdf image (33K)
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Landing, McCleary—2.

Said bill was then sent to the Senate.

Mr. McCleary moved that the committee to be appointed
to investigate the right of Mr. Linthicum to a seat in this
House consist of three members;

Mr. Holland moved to amend by striking out "three" and
inserting "five;"

Which was carried.

The chair appointed Messrs. McCleary, Legg, Maxwell,
Brown and Scott said committee.

Mr. Kessler, presented the petition of Manasses Grove,
Thomas Jarboe, B. F. Gatton and Seventy-four other citizens
of Frederick county, against the adjournment of the Legisla-
ture sine die.

Which was read, and referred to the committee on ad-

Mr. Briscoe, from the committee on adjournment made the


The joint committee of the Senate and House of delegates,
to whom was referred the consideration of the time when the
present session should terminate, and the place at which the
adjourned session should be held, respectfully report,

That in their opinion the extraordinary events which have
transpired since the adjournment of the Legislature, clearly
indicate that the Federal authorities at Washington have so
fully determined to disregard all the rights which the Con-
stitution has named and provided as necessary to a free State;
rights which have heretofore been considered as the only
safeguard of the dearest privileges of a free people; as to ren-
der it in vain for the General Assembly, at this session to
interpose any measures, looking to the immediate relief of
the State.

Your committee deem it nevertheless the duty of the Leg-
islature, to meet from time to time, to discharge such duties
as may be practicable, and to record its formal protest against
the wrongs to which the people of the State have been, or
may be subjected. The great body of our several Constitu-


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Proceedings of the House, April, June and July Special Sessions, 1861
Volume 430, Page 369   View pdf image (33K)
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