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Proceedings of the House, April, June and July Special Sessions, 1861
Volume 430, Page 336   View pdf image (33K)
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free intercourse between criminals ; in addition to this, the
basement cells of the Eastern dormitory (some 50 in num-
ber) are under ground, and unfit for the confinement of hu-
man beings—it is true the present warden, by flooring the
brick pavement, has improved their condition somewhat, still
they are not fit to be used.

A new dormitory, with not less than 150 cells should be
erected as soon as the means of the State will permit.

There is another evil that requires Legislative action, it is
too much the practice of the courts throughout the State, to
send persons to the Penitentiary for small offences whose
proper destination would be the County Almshouse, or the
Insane Hospital. There are now in the Institution many of
both classes, some who commit a petty theft for the sole pur-
pose of being provided with a home, and others idiotic or in-
sane at the time of commitment.

One case maybe instanced byway of illustration, the com-
mitment is from Calvert county and reads thus :—

"George Norfolk presented for feloniously entering the
dwelling of Wm. Ogden and taking therefrom a bottle of
whiskey, a pan of milk and some bread and meat. Verdict of
the jury Guilty, and insane at the time of the committal of the
act and insane now, and sentenced by the court to be con-
fined in the Penitentiary house of the State of Maryland un-
til he shall recover his reason, and be discharged by due course
of law."

This is virtually an imprisonment for life for the offense of
stealing something to eat, the party being idiotic and insane
at the time, and the effect is to transfer his support from the
county to which he belongs, to the State at large.

All of which is respectfully submitted.


CHARLES H. PITTS, V Committee.


Which was read; and

On motion of Mr. Durant,

One thousand copies were ordered to be printed for the use
of the House.

[See Document K.]
On motion of Mr. Wallis,

Leave was granted to the committee on the Judiciary to in-
troduce a bill to amend section 890 of article 4 of the Code of
Public Local Laws;


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Proceedings of the House, April, June and July Special Sessions, 1861
Volume 430, Page 336   View pdf image (33K)
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