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Proceedings of the Senate, April Special Session 1861
Volume 429, Page 356   View pdf image (33K)
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358 INDEX.

That a committee be appointed to ascertain
how many employees of the Senate can be dis-
pensed with, 272.

That the Committee on Claims be directed to
pay to the President of Senate and Secretary
mileage and per diem for the time they may be
detained after the adjournment of the present ses-
sion, 274.

That five hundred copies of the Appropriation
Bill of the extra session of Maryland be printed,

That the " orders as rules for the regulation of
the Senate," passed June 24th, 1861, be, and the
same are hereby repealed, 289.

That two hundred copies of the law passed at
the late extra sessions of the Legislature be print-
ed for the use of the Senate, 289, 290.

That Benjamin Fawcett, clerk to the Engross-
ing Committee, be paid for the time he was en-
gaged in attendance on said committee during the
recess of the Legislature, 299.

That the Committee on Claims be directed to
pay such members of the Senate as may be de-
tained after the adjournment of the present ses-
sion, on official business, mileage and per diem,
299, 300.

That the Secretary and engrossing clerk be
allowed mileage and per diem for the time they
may be detained at the close of present session,

That twenty-five thousand copies of the report
and resolutions of the Committee on Federal Re-
lations, in regard to the memorial of the Balti-
more Police Commissioners, be printed for the use
of the Senate, 315.


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Proceedings of the Senate, April Special Session 1861
Volume 429, Page 356   View pdf image (33K)
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