1861.] OF THE SENATE. 193
cess, by adding thereto the following section, relating to the ser-
vice of civil process;
Which was read the first time, and referred to the Committee
on Judicial Proceedings.
Mr. Lynch, from the Committee on Federal Relations, to whom
was referred the Preamble and Resolutions in relation to the de-
struction of the property of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Com-
pany, &c., submitted the following
WHEREAS, The Southern troops are now destroying the dams,
locks, canal boats, and other property belonging to the Chesa-
peake and Ohio Canal Company, and to individuals doing busi-
ness on the Canal; and,
WHEREAS, Our Commissions to the Governor of Virginia, in
his report to the Legislature, informs us that the Governor of Vir-
ginia was understood to say, "that if, at any time, the military
forces of Virginia should trespass or temporarily occupy the soil
of Maryland, it could only be justified by the pressing exigency
of a military necessity, in defence and protection of her own soil
from threatened or actual invasion, and certainly with no hostile
intent towards the citizens of the State of Maryland; and that any
arid all damages to persons or property, consequent upon such
occupation, should be fully and liberally compensated for;" there-
Be it Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Maryland will implicitly rely on the forbearance of her sister, Vir-
ginia, in committing the least possible damage to her property,
and that other citizens; and will equally confide in her honor to
make full compensation for such damages as may occur from the
painful necessities of the case.
And be it further Resolved, That a copy of these Resolutions
be forwarded by the Governor of Maryland to the Governor of
Which was read.
Mr. Stone submitted the following message:
June 12th, 1861.
Gentlemen of the House of Delegates :
We have received your message in reference to the pay and
mileage of the members of the General Assembly, and concur