Messrs. Goldsborough, of Talbot; Stone—3.
So the first resolution was adopted.
Resolved, That the State of Maryland earnestly and anxiously
desires the restoration of peace between the belligerent sections
of the country, and the President, authorities, and people of the
Confederate States, having, over and over again, officially and
unofficially, declared that they seek only peace and self-defence,
and to be let alone, and that they are willing to throw down the
sword, the instant that the sword now drawn against them shall
be sheathed, the Senators and Delegates of Maryland do beseech
and implore the President of the United States to accept the
olive branch which is thus held out to him; and in the name of
God and humanity, to cease this unholy and most wretched and
unprofitable strife, at least until the assembling of Congress in
Washington, shall have given time for the prevalence of cooler
and better counsels.
The yeas and nays being demanded, appeared as follows :
Messrs. Brooke, President; Lynch,
Duvall, McKaig,
Franklin, Stone,
Gardiner, Townsend,
Goldsborougb,of Talbot; Watkins,
Heckarr, Whitaker,
Kimmel, Yellott—14.
So the second resolution was adopted.
Resolved, That the State of Maryland desires the peaceful and
immediate recognition of the independence of the Confederate
States, and hereby gives her cordial assent thereunto, as a
member of the Union: entertaining the profound conviction that
the willing return of the Southern people to their former Federal
relations is a thing beyond hope, and that the attempt to coerce
them will only add slaughter and hate to impossibility.