(1728-1729); and Samuel (1730-died in infancy).
Her half brothers were Samuel Chew (1737-1809);
John Chew (ca. 1740-1807). Her sisters were Sarah
(1716-ca. 1717); Ann (ca. 1719-1723); Ann (1725-
1756), who married Samuel Galloway (1720-
1785); Mary (1727-1728); and Henrietta (ca. 1732-
died in infancy). Her half sisters were Mary Chew
(1739-1740); Philotitia Chew. Her nephew was
Benjamin Galloway (1752-1831). Her niece was
Mary Galloway (1746-?), who married Thomas
Ringgold (1744-1776). MARRIED third, on April
25, 1759, Juliana (ca. 1729-?), daughter of Dom-
inick Carroll (?-1736) and wife Mary, widow of
Wiliam Frisby (1699-1724). Juliana was the step-
daughter of John Baldwin, probably John Bald-
win (?-1752). She was the granddaughter of both
Michael Carroll of Ireland, Gent., and Nicholas
Sewall (ca. 1655-1737). She was the niece of Eliz-
abeth Sewall, who married Peregrine Frisby (1688-
1739). Her half brother was Nicholas Frisby. Her
sisters were Mary, who married Michael Earle
(1722-1787); Eleanor (?-1779), who married
James Earle (1734-1810); Anastatia, who mar-
ried Henry Ward Pearce; and Susanna (?-by 1759).
Her stepsisters were probably Hester Baldwin;
Catharine Baldwin; and Mary Baldwin. Her first
cousins were Ann Frisby (1727-1793), who mar-
ried second, William Fitzhugh (ca. 1722-1798);
Nicholas Lewis Sewall (ca. 1721-1800). CHILDREN.
SONS: Richard; Benjamin (?-died young); Ed-
ward (1750/51-1815), of Philadelphia, a probable
Loyalist and lawyer who married in 1774 his first
cousin Elizabeth (1751-?), daughter of the Hon.
Benjamin Chew (1722-1810) of Philadelphia;
Matthew Tilghman (1760-1801); and Benjamin
(1764-ca. 1784). DAUGHTERS: Anna Maria, who
married in 1763 Bennett Chew (?-1793) of An-
napolis, Anne Arundel County; Elizabeth, who
married Richard Tilghman (1739-1810); Anna
Maria, who married first, Charles Goldsborough
(1744-1774), son of John Goldsborough (1711-
1778), and second, the Rev. Robert Smith of
South Carolina; Mary, who married ca. 1783
Richard Tilghman (1746/47-1815), son of Mat-
thew Tilghman (1717/18-1790); and Susannah, who
married Richard Ireland Jones. ADDITIONAL
COMMENT: Anna Maria Chew was the daughter
of Tilghman's first wife; Elizabeth and Anna Maria
Goldsborough Smith were the daughters of his
second wife. PRIVATE CAREER. EDUCATION: liter-
ate. RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Anglican, St. Paul's
Parish, Queen Anne's County. Tilghman be-
queathed £50.0.0 in matching funds for the re-
pairing and finishing of the parish church. SOCIAL
STATUS AND ACTIVITIES: Gent., by 1737; Esq., by
1740; subscribed £50.0.0 towards the founding of
Washington College, Chestertown, Kent County.
Anne's County, 1745/46-1748 (Laws 3, 4; Bills
of Credit Cv 1, 1-3, 4), 1749 (Elections Cv, 1;
Bills of Credit Cv, 1; discharged from the 1749-
1751 Assembly on May 9, 1750, after accepting
the office of keeper of the rent rolls for the East-
ern Shore), 1754-1757 (Laws 1-4; Grievances
3), 1757-1758 (Grievances 1, Cv, 2; Public Of-
fices 1, Cv, 2), 1758-1761 (Grievances Cv 1, 1,
Cv 2, 2, 3, Cv 3; Public Offices Cv 1, 1, Cv 2, 2,
3, Cv 3), 1762-1763 (Grievances 1, 2; Public Of-
fices 1), 1765-1766 (Grievances 2-4; Laws to
Expire 2), 1768-1770 (Grievances 2; speaker 3,
4, withdrew as speaker November 9-11, 1770,
because of illness), 1771 (speaker); Senate, East-
ern Shore, Term of 1776-1781: 1777 (elected on
February 7, 1777, to fill vacancy; declined to serve
on February 15, 1777). OTHER PROVINCIAL OF-
FICE, rent roll keeper, Eastern Shore, commis-
sioned 1750, dismissed because of incompetence
1756. LOCAL OFFICES: sheriff. Queen Anne's
County, 1739-1742; justice, Queen Anne's
County, 1743-1749 (quorum, 1743-1749); St.
Paul's Parish Vestry, Queen Anne's County, 1746-
1749, 1754-1756, in office 1764, 1766. MILITARY
SERVICE: captain, by 1746-at least 1750; colonel
modern historian has asserted that after Tilgh-
man's dismissal as rent roll keeper "he and his
family became 'flaming patriots'." WEALTH DUR-
to his children, 1774; assessed value £4,888.10.0,
including 73 slaves, 144 oz. plate, Queen Anne's
and Dorchester counties, 1783. LAND AT FIRST
ELECTION: at least 2,630 acres and 1 lot in Ogle-
town, Queen Anne's County (2,069 acres and the
Ogletown lot inherited from his father, 377 acres
acquired through first marriage, 223 acres by re-
survey and patent, at least 300 acres by purchase).
ELECTION AND DEATH: Resurveyed one tract in-
herited from his father for a net gain of 1,390
acres, Queen Anne's County, 1747; patented 81
acres in Queen Anne's and Kent counties, 1749-
1752; net gain for period of major land acquisi-
tion, exclusive of patents, 2,511 acres, Queen
Anne's County, 1747-1752; acquired 100 acres
in Queen Anne's County and 1,000 acres in Dor-
chester County by 1756; patented 450 acres in
1760 and resurveyed another of his father's tracts